Chapter 3: Dreams Become Reality

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I get woken up by a loud shout. “He’s dead! He’s dead!”  I hear someone scream. I sit up in bed and look around, still to dark too see anything. I reach across and switch the small bedside lamp on. Light suddenly illuminates everything. People are rushing to one spot. I pull the sheets from over my body and stand up. My feet touch the cold varnished floorboards. I follow the rush of people to the spot of all the commotion. I look down and see a tanned boy with golden brown hair sprawled on the ground at all angles. A face of pure agony etched onto his face. He lay in a pool of his own blood. Then everything goes black.

I wake up hearing screams around me.

“He’s dead! He’s dead!” I hear someone scream. I sit up in bed and wonder if I’m having a repeat dream. I pinch myself sharply with the tips of my fingernails. “Ow!” I flinch.

I pull the sheets from over me and quickly stand up. I see the rush of people from my dream. I realise that my dream has somehow come true. I run to the crowd of people and see the tanned boy with golden brown hair lying in a pool of his blood, a face of agony. I stare down scared at what’s happening at this moment.

“What happened here!”

I look up sharply as the plump lady from yesterday comes in.

“Why aren’t you all in bed!”

“Miss. Jacobs! Jake has been murdered by somebody! They must of escaped through the window,” he says to the so called Miss. Jacobs.

“Well, well, well I wonder who did it,” she eyes the mass of people crowded around the body. “If anyone heard or saw anything you have to report it to me immediately.”

I thought over what I was about to do. The body was taken away by some doctors and everyone has cleared away. I was thinking if I should tell Ms. Jacobs about the monster that killed him. I know it was the monster, I mean who else or what else would it be? I decided I would tell her, you never know, she might laugh in my face or she might actually believe me. I laughed about that last thought. Why would anyone believe me if I tell them that! I sat up and walked out the door and down to Ms. Jacobs office. I knocked on her door and waited for a reply.

“Come in!” I hear her call. I walked in through the door and to her desk.

“Um, I know about who killed that boy,”

“His name is Jake,” she retorted.

“I know about who killed Jake,” I corrected.

“Continue,” she said.

“Well as you probably know my mother has recently died and her murder looked similar to the one of Jake.”

“I don’t believe you when you say ‘murder’ as to how your mum died, but that’s not the point. What does that have to do with the death of Jake?”

“Well I saw the thing that killed my mother.”


“See, that’s the problem. It wasn’t a human that killed my mother. It was a monster like thing.”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh a monster.”

Great, just what I thought.

“You shouldn’t of said that.”

I looked up at her and gaped in horror. Her eyes reddened and her canines extended. She transformed right in front of my eyes into the thing I saw when my mother died except different. Then she stood up on her desk and lunged toward me, mouth agape bearing sharp, glistening canines.

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