What is S.H.I.E.L.D?

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well... You got a point, Banner. The only problem is new Cap's alive, old is over 100 years old and my father has bitted the dust.", Hope murmured and grunted, hoping she would stop asking about her father. But that was what she had to deal with it, every day, it was the struggle she lives within it.

"What if your mother was lying?", Fia wondered. "I don't want to make up any theories. But what if Captain America is dead and the new one is just a double. Maybe you were lucky enough and got so his DNA. Unlucky me, I didn't get the Hulk blood.", she explained and frowned.

Hope let out a small chuckle. Fia was obsessed with heroes even if her father was one of those heroes. Hope knew that Fia just wanted to share her life as the daughter of an Avenger with someone who can relate.

"So, are you telling me, my mother is lying and you want to turn into a huge green creature every time you get angry?", I asked her with a shy laugh and rolled my eyes at her stubbornness.

"No offence, Rogers. But your mother is really acting weird. Why would a mother not want to tell her adult daughter where she works?", she asked and sat upright on the couch. "And how cool would that be to turn into something green and huge!", she squealed in excitement and we laughed.

"You are right. Since when are you an expert in figuring things out?", Hope told her between laughter. "I thought you were an expert in science just like your father.", she then said before getting up to get to the kitchen. Hope was proud of her friends. After all, she is a genius but still happy that she's sticking up with her through the good and bad times.

"I have my ways.", Fia joined Hope. "And you!", she then claimed. "You can use your hacking skills to find information about your father!" Hope looked up to her, her eyes telling her, no, but Fia didn't care as she continued: "Look, I know hacking into the government devices, but you have done it before for no reasons, so why st-"

"I did have a reason!", Hope interrupted her.

"Oh, and what was the reason for hacking into the world's famous band called One Direction's Twitter?", she asked her and Hope glared at her.

"That was ages ago.", she frowned, throwing her hands up.

"And into our school's homepage to change the lunch menu?", Fia interrogated further and furrowed her brows.

"I hated filled mushrooms! It was one time and no one was mad at the changes. Between, chicken nuggets and fries were a lot better.", Hope explained in a 'duh' tone and rolled her eyes in a way where Fia couldn't notice.

"Okay, back to the main topic. You were in big trouble if your mother hadn't helped you out. There's another reason which makes her suspicious. But now, you have a real reason for the hack. Your skills got better after all these years and you want to know who your father is!", Fia cheered her up and Hope knew, she was right. This was a reason, a great reason!

"I will start tonight and until tomorrow, I will have the answers.", Hope smiled. "But for now, let's get cooking. I'm starving.", she said as she opened the freezer.

"Pizza!", Fia yelled in victory as she saw Hope getting the frozen Pizza out of the fridge. Fia had started the oven and they only had to wait for ten minutes until the pizza was done.

"Hey, you know my father trusts you, right?", Fia asked and Hope shrugged her shoulders. "If not, he would not have let me tell you that he is the Hulk. He should come back home on Sunday and you could ask him questions about Steve Rogers. You know, he has or had contact with him when they were assembling as the Avengers.", she assured her, patting her back as Hope took a deep breath,

Hope doesn't know if she wanted to ask Bruce Banner some questions about Steve Rogers. Nor had she even some questions about him. Yet, she had something deep inside her who wanted to know who his father was or is.

The rest of the evening, they spent together eating pizza and talking about their week until Fia headed home. The girls said their farewells and Hope changed herself into some comfortable pyjamas and took her laptop out, sitting on the couch.

Hope Rogers started her research and found some small hints but it wasn't much. She only knew that her father's name is Steve Rogers and that he's from Brooklyn. There are twenty other people with the same name in Brooklyn, New alone. Hope felt tired so she went to wash her face with cold water and brushed her teeth. She looked into the mirror, her reflection mirroring her. Her dark brown hair was curly just like her mother's, her body was defined with muscles, not too much but enough to tell that she's in shape. Her blue eyes twinkled in the light, her mother's eyes were hazel, so she must have gained the eyes from her father. She started to miss her mother, they haven't seen each other for almost a month now.

Getting to her mother's room, she looked at some pictures of her mother. She took a glance at a half-opened drawer, she wanted to close it but something caught her eye. It was a badge, she took it out and examinated it.

Name: Agent Lucy Rogers

Level: 7

in S.H.I.E.L.D since: 13.07.2015

On the front page of the badge, there was a logo of an eagle or something. What is S.H.I.E.L.D?

Now Hope wasn't tired anymore and hacked for some more pieces of information.


First chapter :)

So cap fans! What do you think?

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By the way, for the ones who had read this fanfic already. I recommend to read it again because I am doing some changes.

Oh, and for the loki fans out there, Call him teh devil is my second fanfiction ;)

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