{1} Finding My Way Back Home

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{New story, I hope you'll like. If so, please vote if you thought it was good enough. Comment if you liked something, or noticed something worth mentioning. I'll re-update the edited chapters soon. Hope to bring another chapter soon as well. This one's long. } -aries



"So, let it be. Give it time. You go your way, and I'll go mine."



The fallen colors of brown and orange painted leaves whirl in small tornado's throughout Brookewood Street. Unlike the dying leaves, my body made no movement. Instead, I stood on the porch of the home my family had moved to, a couple years ago. I had never been here before. But, it always takes someone dying to bring family back together or rip it apart, at least, in my family. I wonder what they would think when they saw me.

That was the problem. I couldn't bring myself to tap on the front door, a couple feet in front of me. I had left so suddenly, left without a trace. Something that only someone reckless would do, someone who didn't care about who they hurt in the process. Unfortunately, I was that girl, and I did just that. Knocking on the door meant facing my family again, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.

Of course, fate and the cosmos thought differently, and I didn't have to knock. A few harmonic laughs could be heard on the other side, until the door opened and I was faced with a pretty green- eyed blonde. Attached to her side was a brown set of eyes, staring back at me. My mouth agape, not knowing what to say, I just stared at them for a couple seconds. It had been so long, and I had no idea who the blonde was.

"Ellie? Is that you?" Alex, the brown eyed person, had asked, which seemed right, as my hair which had always been dyed was now it's natural, auburn- brownish color. Not to mention my style is a lot different than it was before. Oh, and the fact that they haven't seen me in years played a part in it as well. I found this place thanks to Mom's Facebook page, and the help of a local bartender telling me exactly where she lived, after I told him that I was related to my party crazy brother, Greg, who he knew well apparently.

"That would be my name." I smiled at him.

He let go of the blonde, and crashed into me with a hug. Sorrow; that's what the hug held. "You're back, I can't believe it."

"Yeah- about that..." I started.

         "Wait! Don't tell me you're leaving after just getting here?" He worriedly interfered.    

         "Well, I'm not so sure everyone will react as kindly as you are. I might have to sleep in my car." I admitted, somewhat joking yet also a little serious at the same time. Letting go, he took my appearance in, as I did with him, too. He looked well.

"Ellie, I wouldn't let that happen. You don't know how much we've missed you. The past is in the past," he explained, but I could tell that wasn't entirely true. He smiled. "You look good, El. Really good. I can tell you're getting better." I gave him a small smile of thanks. The blonde moved in closer to him, staring at me. "Oh, Sarah, this is Ellie, my sister. Ellie, meet Sarah, my- uh girlfriend." He said, looking at well, Sarah, and gave her a questioning glance. I turned to her and smiled again, in surprise. Who knew Alex would get himself a girlfriend, I remember he would swear he hated the confusion of the female species. She however, pulled me in for a hug, and if I'm not mistaken, sniffed me?

"Hi Ellie, it's really nice to meet you. I never knew Alex had a sister..." She left the last sentence hanging, and glanced at Alex.

"Oh, yeah uh, she's not really a topic that I talk about much." Sheepishly, he rubbed his neck.

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