Chapter 1

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Hi guys, reading this, I found a lot of errors in the grammar, I just tried to improve it...

Chapter 1

"He's dead... LIAR! He said he was going to be always with me! That, he would always protect me! But he's not here! He left me behind! He's gone and I'm here... lost without him..."

For the past 8 months, Emily Fields has been grieving her father's death; they said grieving has different phases but for Emily, she has been stuck in the same limbo for 8 months, there weren't phases on her grieving; just a huge hole on her chest, a sorrow she has been trying to drown in alcohol but it hasn't worked. Emily was a complete mess; she knew it, her friends knew it, the entire world knew it at exception of her mom, Pam Fields; Emily sighed hard thinking on her mom; Pam had no idea what Emily was doing with her life, Pam didn't know that Emily lost her scholarship, neither that she was going to drop the university, without scholarship, there was no way she could pay the tuition fees. The brunette just groaned on how miserable was her life, she was on the sofa of her friend Sara, since Emily lost the scholarship; she has been crashing on Sara's couch; the brunette just jumped up when a bag of Cheetos hit her head...

Emily. – "What the hell?!"

Sara scolds. – "Exactly! What the hell! You said you would clean up and, look! Is this clean for you?!"

Emily. – "Sorry, I just..." (Sighs) "I'm gonna clean now..."

The brunette stood up and dragged her body all over the apartment, cleaning her own mess. Emily took out the trash, when she returned to the apartment, she sat on the sofa with a sad look on her face and Sara sat at her side, offering her a soda...

Emily. – "No beer?"

Sara. – "No... no for you..."

(Emily's phone ringing)

Sara. – "Are you not gonna answer it...?"

Emily says while looking at her phone. – "No... it's my mom again... I can't deal with her right now..."

Sara took the phone of Emily and answered the call...

Sara. – "Hi, Ms. Fields..."

Emily mumbles. – "What are you doing?!"

Sara ignores the brunette and continues talking with Pam...

Sara. – "Yeah, she's here at my side, I will give her the phone now, nice to talk with you Ms. Fields..."

The blonde puts the phone on Emily's ear and the brunette has no other choice than answering it. Emily glances at her friend but Sara just smirks. The brunette starts talking with her mom, she tries to keep a trivial talk, Emily says nothing that could reveal her true actual life; Emily lies about her good grades and, about how great she was doing on school; she really sounded happy, it was such a great act that she even started to believe it; she came back to really with sadness when Pam cried on the phone...

Emily. – "Mom... don't cry please..."

Pam says with tears. – "Sorry, Emmy, these are happy tears, really honey, you've no idea how happy you're making me, telling me all of this... knowing you're doing so great, it makes me very happy..."

Emily grips on her chest; she could feel a dagger nailing on her heart, the dagger of shame, of lies... she knew that she was doing wrong but hearing those words of her mom, there was no way she could come clean, now and, say the truth to Pam, no now at least. Emily was lost on her own remorse when Pam said some unexpected news...

Pam. – "I'm so happy knowing you're doing well Emmy, please don't go MIA again with me ok?" (Chuckles) "Anyway, I'm calling you because I'm happy to tell you that I already paid my ticket to visit you on California for Thanksgiving..."

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