"WAIT WHAT!" I shout, cutting Yang off. "What do you mean 'ditched us young'? She lived on her own!?" I look over at Ruby who is throwing Yang a death glare.

            She turns calmly to me. "Weiss, please go to the room and begin packing. I want all your things gathered for our departure by the time I arrive. Clear?" She says calmly.

            "Look Rubes, I'm sor-"

            Ruby raises her hand, silencing Yang. "You are dead to me. Focus on you. Maybe I'll forgive you soon. But I'll never tell you another thing again. Good day. Xiao-Long." She says cordially as she turns and walks away. Leaving Yang near tears. I'm just impressed that Ruby can speak so formally.

            I turn and look at Yang. "Hey, it's gonna be fine." I say as I place a hand on her shoulder. "It'll blow over. Ruby can't keep a grudge."

            "You're wrong. She still doesn't speak to Dad. And she still wants that Cobalt kid killed as well. All she really is is a pent up ball of anger that needs to get out."

            "But you're her sister!"

            "And Cobalt was her best friend." She says and walks away. I walk back to the dorm and begin packing.
POV: Ruby Rose.

          I stood at the entrance to Ozpin's office. Waiting as patiently as I could. Fidgeting silently and hopefully not noticeably. It was then that Professor Goodwitch opened the door and stepped out.

          "Ozpin is ready to see you." She says then stalks off. I walk to the slightly ajar door and peek in, seeing him facing his window.

          "Are you just gonna sit there and stare? Or are you gonna come in here and talk?" Ozpin said as if he knew the whole time that I was there. He probably did.

          "Yes, right. Sorry." I say as I step in the door and sit in the chair on the other side of his desk.

          "Ruby Rose. You do not have to be so timid and formal around me. You are part of the circle. Why is it that you are here?"

          "Well Oz, to put it simply me and Weiss are moving. We will still attend classes but we are moving to my penthouse in the nearby hotel on the outskirts of town." He just nods at this.

          "I knew that. I already have the papers in the right place to allow it. What is the other reason you have come?"

          "The crime lord that is known by his subordinates only as Daddy is calling upon the deal I had made before. He's giving me another mission. An assassination. The target is Ace Averys. Business man. But I have a partner. And that partner is none other than Jonathan Cobalt himself. I cannot promise I can control myself. So I request that I be allowed to use my knives instead of Crescent Rose. Otherwise he will die."

          "Your request has been granted Ruby. And the knives will be found in your locker. Take them home this afternoon. I will place a false story in the papers as always. But you know that this comes with more time in my circle."

          "I understand." He just nods to dismiss me.

          "Oh, and Ruby?" He says, effectively regaining my attention. I turn to look at him. "You will have to tell her eventually."

          I can feel my facial expression darken as I scowled at him. "Please just make sure this gets covered up 'Wizard'." At the use of his code name he merely waves me off. I open the door and step outside. "I just hope Weiss isn't worried. Now that's another talk I have to have." I look to my left and see Cobalt standing there. Holding a dust crystal that I have never seen before.

          "What do you want Cobalt?" I ask, drawing his attention. He just looks at me. No remnant of any emotion on his face.

          "I want to clear my name. And this crystal will provide the means for it. Wanna see what really happened to your mother?" I just blinked, stunned. Then I smiled, a chance to prove that I was right, bring it on.

          "Okay Cobalt, you're on." I step next to him

          "But-" he says, pausing just a moment to smile, then immediately slips back into his cold persona. "If I'm right, I get my best friend back. Deal?"

          "Oh poor Johnny, if you're right, I'll be your friend again. Promise, but I know what I saw." He just reaches his hand forward, extending the glowing crystal toward me. I place my hand on it and everything goes black.
POV: Ruby Rose (inside young cobalts body)

          "What am I looking at?" I say as I see that day almost eleven years ago. I stare on in horror as I see me playing with Cobalt.

          "We are seeing my memories from that day. To prove a point, now watch." He says.

          "No Johnny, you gotta chase me!" Younger me said. Laughing as she ran from the body we inhabited.

          "Ruby I gotta go!" We, well younger Cobalt, says. He dashes into the house. "No no no no no! I can't see this again!" But something isn't right. My mom is standing there just fine. "Hi miss Rose! I gotta go to the- ahh!" He shouts as blood suddenly covers him. And there they stood, the Reaper. They had a knife deep in my Mothers back, hand over her mouth. The reaper kneels, facing us as my mother bleeds out on the floor, staring at the carnage and corpse on the ground, soaked in a crimson flow of my mother's essence.

          "Come here kid." The Reaper says. Young Jonathan complies, absolutely terrified. "Be not afraid for I only hunt who I am told, but here, hold this." The Reaper says, handing us the knife and taking my mother's cloak. Then heading upstairs. "He didn't do it... the Reaper did!"
POV: Ruby Rose.

          I stood stunned. Jonathan was next to me smiling. "So do I get my best friend back?" He says. I was shocked even by that.

          "Sure. But will you help me?" I ask, finally regaining my senses.

          "With what?" I just smiled.

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