Chapter 6

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I was on my way back to the O2L house after spending the bulk of my day with Troye and Tyler. I wasn’t really planning on leaving until JC called to ask me to help him film his new video. He was going to try and do something different this week. I honestly was really happy he asked for my help.

“What’s up O…2...L!” JC began, “Today I am in Connor’s room, but uh d-don’t tell Connor cause he-he might get mad.” I smirked at him from behind the camera, I let him film in my room this week because literally his room was disgusting. It always was, but this week especially.

As JC was finishing up I decided to stalk Twitter for a while, to see what other YouTubers were up too. Kian was at McDonalds, I figured.  There was about seven tweets about the extra fries he got. I decided to text him and make him bring me back a Big Mac and large fry.

*Hey bro, bring me a Big Mac and big fry. I am hungry. Bring X-tra ketchup. Were out thanks to JC and Nash…*

*Yeah sure, I will just stop at Andronico's, we need anything else? * he replied almost instantly

*Nah, just coffee. * I was dangerously low, and I couldn’t risk running out.

*K, I will be back in like a hour *

*Wait! Kian! *

* Yeah? *

*Bring me a Shamrock Shake…Pweassssseeeeeee * I needed one of those. They are a gift from god himself.

*Yeah sure Connor…anything else? ;) *

*nah man I’m good, but so help don’t let that melt. * Melted shakes, are disgusting.

I switched back over to Twitter, continuing to stalk people, it’s a hobby. Yeah, judge me. I don’t care. I love stalking. Especially my fans, so I could know what they wanted to see me do that week.

It was extremely helpful, and its usually how O2L plans the weekly theme, through the fans.


Finally, around 4, I went to bed, I had been on tumblr for a few hours and I needed sleep. I was leaving for San Francisco tomorrow, shit. I still had to pack.

“NOOO, GET AWAY!” I Screamed, clawing at the cloaked figure in front of me. I tried desperately to get away from it, running until my lungs burned, my legs shaking.

I shot awake. Damn. They’re back.


I got in my car. I had to talk to Tyler, he was the only one who knew about that nightmare that had been reoccurring for so long.

 I looked at the time, it was noon, he should be up by now. I was driving through the typical midday L.A traffic when I realized I was crying.

At last I was pulling into Tyler’s apartment building parking lot. I parked the car (it was Ricky’s car. I am currently car-less.)

I sprinted up the stairs not bothering to take the elevator, when I reached Tyler’s door, I stopped dead in my tracks. I raised my fist to the door and knocked.

I heard some mumbling and then heard a gasp. The sound of locks sliding hinted that he was opening the door, when he opened the door I saw a shocked Troye at the table. Damn it. I forgot he was there. I was going to have to tell him. I needed to talk.


When Tyler opened the door and revealed a hysterical Connor I didn’t know how to react. Did he realize he loved Tyler? God, no, please no.

“T-T-Tyler. Th-Th-They’re back.” He stammered. I sat there, quite confused. What was back?

Tyler just grabber Connor, and pulled him into the apartment. He began hugging Connor, again. What in the hell was I missing? I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay, what the hell am I missing here?!?” I screamed at the two men in front of me.

They both just looked up at me, and then Connor spoke.

“The nightmares. They are back.” What? What nightmares?

“What are you talking about?” I managed.


“What are you talking about?” Troye spoke, his voice calmer now.

“Can I tell him?” I asked Connor as quietly as I could, not wanting to hurt Troye if Connor didn’t want him to know.

Connor just nodded, I don’t think he trusted his own voice.

“Well…” I began

Author's Note:

What does everyone think of the story so far? I listen to songs when I write this, should i write them at the beginnig of the chapters? Does anyone have any song suggestions?

- Sera

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