Ę×hıbİť§ Å, ß, Ç, & Mə--Ę×hıbİť Đ

34 0 5

Can we just enjoy this wonderful human being? Like...thst almost killed me earlier.

"We got Exhibit A
And to the left, the left of me we got Exhibit B...
Right in front of me, we got Exhibit C...
And when I look over here...
Oh my god. That's me in the mirror..."
- Cynical Skin by Get Scared

Johnny's PoV

How dare she do something that stupid because she's pissed.

What if she gets hurt? What if he ditches her? What if she gets kidnapped? What if she gets raped? What if she gets killed?! What if my baby sister gets turned into a sex space just because I was being a little over protective?!

Why does my brain do this?

Fuck it. I can't deal with this right now. Time to be a social butterfly. Wooo.

I hopped up off of my bed and grabbed my keys and phone before I walked downstairs. My mother was passed out drunk on the couch. Wonderful role model, eh? I shook my head in disgust before walking out of the house. I think that guy Nick lives three houses down to the right. I'm not sure though. Only one way to find out. I'm kind of glad Sebring wasn't here right now, but that's only because she can't stand cutting across people's yards. She probably would've forced me to use the sidewalks. How somezone that tiny could force me to do anything probably sounds ridiculous, but I have a soft spot when it comes to my sister. She's all I really have. That's why I'm so protective of her. Ever since Robby died....

Not to mention....

Shaking my head, I realised that I was about to pass the house I wanted to go to. I made a small U-turn and went up to the door. I don't know these people. This could be the wrong house. Why do I feel the need to apologise? Before I could really grasp what I was doing and convince myself to go back home, I knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes and sighed with relief when no one answered the door. Just as I was turning to leave, though, it flew open. I mentally kicked myself for thinking I was getting out of this that easy and turned to see a tired looking Nick. I think that's Nick. Ninety percent. Newly dyed black hair, a nose ring....Yeah this one's Nick.

"Oh...uh...hi. What do you need?" Yep. Definitely Nick.

I've only known this kid for...well I was around him for like ten minutes and I already know he's awkward.

"I came over to say that I'm sorry for earlier....I just overreacted a little."

He nodded and we stood their for a couple of minutes, him glancing awkwardly in every direction but mine, and me shifting uncomfortably between my feet. Finally, he sighed and looked at me. "Do you wanna come in? Me and Brad were just about to throw in a movie, and my mom's making burritos."

"Uhm...sure." I stepped in and waited for him to shut the door, then followed him into what I assumed was the living room. I could smell the food....

"Feel free to make yourself at home I guess...."

Man, he's really quiet. I sat down on the end of a couch, and Nick sat cross legged on the floor. I was about to say something really stupid when Brad (I guess) came in with a disc. He looked surprised to see me, and I just waved. Without a word, he popped what turned out to be The Nightmare Before Christmas into the DVD player.

Now, I thought it was going to be an awkward couple of hours because they don't really know me and I kinda jumped Nick earlier, but about thirty minutes into the movie, Brad said something.

"So...your name is?" It took me a minute to realise that he was talking to me and I looked up at him confused. "Yes, you."

"Oh, sorry. I'm Johnny."

"Where's the girl that was with you earlier?"

"My sister? She got mad at me for what happened earlier and ran off to get coffee with some guy."

He raised an eyebrow. "And....You didn't stop her?"

"Why would I?"

"Well, forgive me for labelling you so soon, but you seem like the kind of guy tbat wouldn't let his sister run off with a guy she just met."

"I didn't want to. But I don't want to pull the dad card. She got enough of that before he left....And Don't worry about it people quick judge me all the time. I'm used to it."

"Do you...ow...uy...went with?"

I looked down at the ground at Nick. "Was that you?" He nodded. "Can you repeat that? I didn't catch half of what you said."

He sighed and an annoyed look grew on his face. "Do you know what guy she went with? Like his name?"

"I think his name was Chris. The guy that did her piercings this morning." Nick cringed when I told him that. "Why?"

"I don't know him personally, but I've heard things. Not to mention, he just gives me a bad feeling in general. Like...the air around him is dark and tainted or some shit."

Now I feel even worse. I just can't believe she would do something like that. It's fucking stupid.

Shit. I'm starting to get pissed again.

Not even give seconds later, my phone rang. Say it ain't so, I will NOT go, tu-- I answered it before it could go any farther. I didn't bother to see who it was first, though.

"Hello?" I asked, trying to hide the newfound anger from my voice.

"Johnny! Thank God you picked up."

"Oh I thought you need as far away from me as possible." Oops. I let it out.

"Johnny don't do this."

Please...."Ohhhhh no. I'm gonna--"

"Please can't this just wait?!" It took me a minute, but I realised their was panic in her voice, and my tone immediately shifted from 'Bitch fuck you' to  'what happened are you okay do I need to call an ambulance?'

"Wait, what happened? What's wrong? Did that guy hurt you?"

"No. Not yet. And I don't think he will, he just makes me few really uncomfortable. Can you come pick me up?"

Damn Nick, maybe that bad vibe he gives you is something to look into. "I'm on my way." I hung up and stood up from the couch as fast as I could, grabbing my car keys from my pocket as quick as I could manage. Both of the guys looked towards me worriedly.

"What happened?"

"I gotta go pick up my sister before that guy hurts her."

"Knew it..." I barely heard Nick mumble.

When I go into big brother mode like this, everything blurs together. Basically, I have no recollection of what happened in between that moment and the moment the guys and I arrived at Starbucks. I didn't even remember them getting into the car....What the hell happened?

I saw Sebring run to the car, but I was kind of out of place. It wasn't until we got back to Nick's house and I was sure she was safe that everything started to click back into place again.

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