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44 0 3

"Who am I? I'm so shy..."
- Song Without A Name by Johnnie Guilbert
(A/n: you guys like my play on words? No? Okay den .-.)

Sebring's PoV

"So, you said your name was Sebring. Where'd your parents get that from?" The piercer guy raised an eyebrow and looked up at me.

"I'm not really sure. I think it's the name of the street that they both grew up on."

"Your parents grew up on the same road?"

I almost nodded before I realised there was a needle about to go through my lip. "Yeah. They were neighbours from the age of 6 I think. My mom was shy at first, but eventually they met and became best friends. Next thing you know, my brother pops out like...14 years later."

The conversation died after that and he did the...piercing thing. I dunno. He stuck needles in my lips and then put rings in them. "Okay, so you should keep these clean until they heal. Don't use alcohol to clean them. Don't take the rings out for more than one, maybe two hours at a time for the next six months."

I nodded and stood, walking into the other room where my brother was getting his first tattoo. "Johnny you already paid for mine right?" He looked up at me and nodded before returning his gaze to his arm. I sat next to the guy doing his tattoo and just watched. Eventually, I got bored and decided to walk around the shop. By that I mean I went back to the room I was just in so that I could bother the piercer.

"You're still here?" He asked me.

"My brother's getting a tattoo, I'm gonna be here for a while."

"Okay then. Do you wanna watch me work?"

"Can I really?"

"As long as you don't get in the way, I don't see why you can't."

I smiled and walked over, sitting down in a nearby chair. We talked.for a few minutes about music and tattoos and stuff and eventually this conversation started.

"How old are you?"

I raised an eyebrow. That's a weird question...."Almost 15, why?"

"I was just wondering. What do you wanna do when you...adult."

"When I adult?" I couldn't help but laugh.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah. When you adult."

I bit my lip as I thought. "I dunno. I wanna do something artsy and not normal. Maybe tattoos. Maybe if I wasn't so socially awkward, a career in music."

"Do you write songs?"


"That's cool. My friends and I actually started a band not long ago."

"That's awesome! Have you guys made any songs yet?"

"Yeah. We have a demo, but it's not really public. It's kind of just...we go out and hand random people our CD and hope it gets somewhere."

"Do ya have one with ya right now?" Please say yes. I need new bands.

"Yeah hold on. I'll go get one." He left and came back a few minutes later. He held a disc out to me and I took it. "Don't tell anyone I have it to you for free."

"Okay. What's your name?"

"Chris. What's yours?"

"I already told you my name."

"I was sticking a needle in your face do you really think I was paying attention?"

"Okay, fair enough. My name's Sebring."

"I don't think I've ever heard that before. At least, not as a name."

"My parents wanted to be unique."

"My parents wanted me to be normal. It kind of sucks actually."

I was going to ask him to tell me more, but just then, someone came back for a piercing. Chris got up and went over to them. I didn't know who it was because I didn't turn around to look. A few minutes later, someone sat down in the reclined chair between Chris and I. To keep from seeming rude, I lifted my head and looked to see who it was.

He was wearing a grayish and whitish striped sweater, and black skinny jeans. His eyes were this striking light green colour. Like grass almost. His hair was past his shoulders and jet black. It looked like it had literally just been dyed.

He was hhhhhooooooottttttt.

I apparently had been staring, because he gave me a weird look. I turned away and Chris started to fuck with his face, so he couldn't look at me anymore either. Oh, speaking of Chris....

"Hey, Chris?"

"Uh huh?"

"What's your band's name?"

"Motionless In White."

"That's interesting but like...how. Uhm....Who is White, and why is Motionless inside of him? Or her. I dunno."

"You're so awkward."

"Hey! You've only known me for, like, an hour."


"So you're not allowed to call me awkward."

"I can call you whatever I want."


Johnny yelled at me from the other room. "Watch your mouth, child."

I just sat there in a very awkward and undignified feeling way for a few minutes. Chris got done with the guy in the chair. He told him the basic cleaning rules and blah blah blah.

The guy got up from the chair and went over to who I assumed was his mom, who was walking around looking at the tattoo designs on the walls. He sighed very impatiently and the woman shot him a look.

"Can we go now mom?"

"Give me a second Nicholas."


"Nicholas Blake Matthews!"

"You said a second...."

I started giggling and he looked over at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I turned my face away from him. After a few minutes of walking around, his mom gave up on looking at the tattoos and they left.

"Someone's awfully infatuated with a stranger, aren't they? Haven't you watched any movies? Do you know what happens when you fall in love with someone you just met?"

"Well, not personally, no. But if I'm basing it off of movies, I'll either go crazy and kill people and turn them into pies, accidentally start hurting people I care about and be run out of town, or I'll get married behind my parents back and kill myself because he didn't get a fucking letter and he killed himself before I could wake up."

"You're a fun person. We should keep in touch."

"Pffh. I'm not fun. I'm weird and awkward."

"Whatever. Seriously though we should keep in touch."

We exchanged numbers and a few minutes later my brother came into the room to get me. I said bye to Chris and we left. Ugh. Now I have to go set up my new room.

(A/n: Her name is pronounced Say-bring)

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