He goes to exit. Iseul follows him out.

"I’m just concerned. You look so
lonely sometimes. I had to take
steps. Now, come sit down and we’ll finish your Personal Statement together."

Slam! Namjoon's gone.

× Shop ×

Taehyung and Hansol are walking down the main aisle of the supermarket. They get to aisle 4. The aisle where Taehyung had his
previous flashback. Hansol notices his lily, now wilted. Taehyung's caught up in his own head. He stops.

"What’s up?", asks Hansol.

"Nothing. I’ll just - I’ll just wait
fer you here while you get the booze."

"I don’t know which cider’s the
strongest. Come on."

Hansol beckons Taehyung to come with him. The boy reluctantly does.


Hansol and Taehyung stand in aisle 4 looking at the shelves of
Taehyung starts to feel uneasy. A high pitched buzz fills his ears. He feels dizzy. His breathing quickens.

"I know Helsoak’s supposed to be the highest percent, but it gives me rank hangovers..."

Hansol notices the distracted, agitated Taehyung.

"You okay?"

"These’ll get us battered."

Taehyung quickly takes down two bottles of HELSOAK cider and gets
the hell out of aisle 4.


Namjoom, holding a shopping bag from the shop, climbs the steps to the rundown house and buzzes the intercom (the only new gadget about the house).


“The Goddess Ishtar.”

A few moments. Then ‘bbbbuuuzzzz’ - The reenforced door unlocks. Namjoom takes a last look around and enters.
From over the street we see Mrs. Lamb (60s) twitching her curtain. She shakes her head and says something to herself like “People coming and going all day and night, it won’t do.” She notes Namjoon ‘coming’ down on a legal pad and turns on her video camera.


Namjoom enters the living room...
Red lighting, mirrors everywhere, pumping music coming from a
scratty stereo system in the corner.
This pokey little front room has been turned into a “lounge area” where living customers (mainly men) cavort with scantily clad PDS sufferers (sans cover up and contact lenses).
Make no mistake - this is a suburban brothel catering to The Living with a taste for the partially deceased.
Namjoom finds who he’s looking for: A young Living Dead Boy called Dino (19) who’s in lacy lingerie up at the bar.
Namjoom gets his attention and gives him a goofy wave.

× A bedroom ×

Namjoom sits on the bed next to Dino with the shopping bag.
Dino is counting the cash Namjoon has just given him.
Dino's not hostile, but he isn’t warm either. This is a job. Nothing else.

"Wanting the full boyfriend experience again?"

"If you have time.", answers Namjoon.

"I’ve all the time in the world."

Dino stands up and pockets the cash.

"Same get up?"

Namjoom nods.
Dino goes into the en suite bathroom to change.
Namjoom gets up and takes out the contents of the shopping bag:
There’s a bag of popcorn and a romantic comedy DVD.
Namjoom puts on the romantic comedy, takes the popcorn and readies himself on the bed.
He hears the en suite door open, turns and looks upon:
Dino, standing in the doorway, dressed up in a bright pink coat. He looks like a certain Ms.
Kim Seokjin.

"Hiya, sweetheart, how was your day?", says Dino now as Jin, warm, sweet and loving.

Dino (as Jin) goes and snuggles up next to Namjoon as he presses play on the remote. The romantic comedy starts.

"Nam, you rented our special film!"

Dino kisses Namjoon on his cheek and nestles his head on his chest. They hand hold. Namjoon reacts to his cold touch. It’s lovely and soothing. Dino mimes taking some popcorn and putting it in his mouth. Namjoon melts. It’s the first time
we’ve seen him truly contented and relaxed.

× Jin's bungalow ×

Jin sits as Yoongi, behind him, prepares to give him his daily
Neurotriptyline shot.

"I’m worried about him, Yoongi. You should have seen his little face today."

"It’s for the best. I’ll talk to him
tomorrow.", says Yoongi.

"Mr. Disciple...?"


"What’s going to happen?"

Yoongi stops fiddling with the injector.


"When we’ve gathered everyone?"

"I’m not sure.", answers Yoongi, half lying.

"What did the Prophet say?"

"He said: Go to the place where the first rose and seek them out.", answers the boy, not telling him the whole story.

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else.", lies Yoongi.

He gives Jin his shot. Jin seriously convulses. Yoongi holds onto him, alarmed.

"Jin. Jin!"

Jin's convulsions subside. He opens his eyes to see that Yoongi is holding him in his arms. He smiles up at him. Yoongi smiles back, relieved.

"Had me worried then."

"My big strong knight in shining armour.", says Jin, touching his pale skin.

Yoongi smiles. But is a little uncomfortable at the intimacy.
Jin thinks perhaps this is the perfect time to make a move. He's stopped only by a pain in his head. He gets to his feet.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing, silly. Such a worrywart."

× Jin's bungalow | Bathroom ×

Jin, still smiling, enters and closes the door. He drops the smile. Goes over to the bathroom mirror. Raises his hand and looks at it.
It is trembling badly. Jin looks in the mirror. A worrywart himself.

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