It's Just His Opinion

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"Well, I think it's the woman's choice. If she feels she should, who are we to stop her? Its her body, and her choice ultimately." Kai responded confidently.
The interviewer looked shocked. "So you're basically saying it's ok to abort children?" He moved the mic closer to him.
He waved his hand up.
"What I'm saying, is it's the woman's choice what she does to her body." He repeated.
"Well, that's all we have for today. Thanks for coming Kai! See you next time!" The camera panned and both the host and Kai waved goodbye.
He hadn't said anything wrong. He only shared his opinion.
And yet here he was, getting hate and even as far as death threats, over the whole interview.
//He's approving the murder of children! There's no way I'll support Kai anymore!//
You read the comments of a recent IG picture on his page.
// I didn't peg Kai to be this type of person! I'm disappointed, he should say sorry to us fans!// You walked into your bedroom, Kai laying under the covers. "You can't just crawl in there and never come out, you know." You said throwing yourself on him.
He groaned under your weight, and shifted so he was looking at you.
"I don't understand why they're so upset. It's just my opinion..." He uttered.
"Well, abortion is a pretty controversial topic... But they're taking it a bit far with the comments..."You replied.
"Someone told me to kill myself on Twitter this morning. It was a great way to wake up." He laughed.
" I just can't believe they actually want an apology from you!" You yelled astonished.
He started laughing harder, as he squirmed underneath you.
"There's no way in hell I'm taking back what I said. It's still my opinion." He flashed a grin and held up a peace sign.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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