A moment later Simon was on his feet and Hamish swore as he grabbed Danya by the wrist and hurried to follow him to where their hosts sat at the head of the table.

"We need to talk," Simon said to Mr Moore, his voice flat. "Now."

"Of course, Captain Bell," Mr Moore said, confirming what Danya already knew. "Privately would be best, I think."

Hamish kept a firm grip on Danya as they were led out of the communal areas, down a hall, and into a study. When their eyes met he gave Danya what had probably been intended as a reassuring smile, but it came out looking more like a grimace.

"You bought me a slave?" Simon shouted the moment the door was shut.

"Wine?" Mr Moore offered, his eyebrows lifting in question. "No? Yes, Captain, I bought you a slave. He may look a bit plain, but my understanding was that you preferred that. He has fine breeding."

"I don't care about his fucking—" Simon shook his head, covered his mouth, and paced. "This is very inconvenient for me. I can't own a slave."

"I understand and I apologise for the presumption," Mr Moore said. "I will, of course, take full responsibility for his disposal."

Simon stopped pacing. "Disposal?"

"He has your crest tattooed on him, Simon," Hamish said softly. "He can't be returned."

Mr Moore held his hands up in pacification as Simon turned a murderous glare on him. "It's not a problem, Captain. Why don't you have some fun with him tonight, enjoy the rest of the evening, and I'll have things taken care of in the morning?"

Simon turned abruptly and marched towards the door.

"Simon?" Hamish called out.

"I've changed my mind. Slave, come with me."

Danya sent the other men a questioning glance.

"Now, slave."

Danya hurried to obey. Whether he was wanted or not, Simon was legally his master unless he relinquished that claim. Danya's only hope now was that he would not.

Mr Moore tried to protest, but Simon brushed past him without acknowledgement and led Danya out of the room. He was close to bursting with fury that Danya was sure would be taken out on him. It wasn't until they reached the stables that Danya realised Hamish was not with them.

The stable boy took one look at Simon and immediately made himself scarce. Danya wished he could do the same, but there was no escaping whatever Simon wished to do to let out his anger.

Instead Simon ignored him, found his horse, and started roughly saddling the black mare to ride.

"Um." Danya took a step away from the wall and licked his lips. When Simon continued to ignore him, he spoke up. "I can be useful, sir."

Simon looked at him over his horse's back, his eyes sweeping down Danya's body. "It's clear what use they planned for you to be."

Danya fiddled with the tie that was the only thing holding the narrow strip of fabric around his hips in place. He swallowed hard. "Yes. I can take this off if you like, sir."

Disgust overtook Simon's anger and made Danya's heart sink. "Just... shut up. Stop talking."

Danya felt sick. If Simon wasn't even attracted to men — and his disgust certainly suggested that — then Danya stood no chance. One of the other boys with their prettier looks and their greater charms might have managed it, but Danya was well aware he didn't remotely have what it took to convince a man to compromise on his sexuality.

Frayed Ties (Ties, Book 1) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now