Alexander's Ending

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Here we are, guys. The end of the story. You know, I realize that Alexander's character wasn't really necessary, but I don't see anyone complaining about him so I assume it's fine. Thank you guys for reading this since it was my first story. I didn't think people would really like it. Before we end this, I have one thing to say: Check out my other stories ;)

No, wait. You're probably wondering what Alexander looks like, right? Well since his character is mostly sweet and soft, I think he suits the stereotype of the brown haired anime boy with gorgeous green eyes, yes? So, imagine APH Spain or Makoto Tachibana or something. Haha, okay, back to the finale.

You never thought that the Host Club would change your life so much. You made so many friends, with the hosts and with the guests, and you even have a best friend who may or may not has piqued your interest. Nowadays, you couldn't get him out of your mind. He was so sweet, kind, and funny; being attractive was just a bonus. You entered Music Room #3 and began setting up your table just as Tamaki waltzed by.

"Hello, (Y/N)~. Are you excited for the festival?" He asked.

"Yes, Tamaki-Senpai. Are you?"

"Yes! It is so beautiful! And very romantic, one might add." He looked at you suggestively.

"W-what are you talking about?" You flushed.

"(Y/N), please, everyone in the Host Club sees how close you are with one of your guests." He smiles and looks back at the other hosts. "Who was it, again, Kyoya?"

"Alexander Ryusaki, third year, transferred here during first year from the United States of America." Kyoya reads from his laptop.

"Yes! Him!"

"What about him?" You raised an eyebrow.

"We're not stupid, (Y/N)." Hikaru sighs.

"It's obvious that you like him." Kaoru continues.

"So..." They said in unison as they appeared by your side, leaning on your shoulders. "Ask him to the festival!" Haruhi cleared her throat.

"She is. She and I talked about it a while ago. I was trying to tell you all that but none of you would listen." She said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Oops." "Sorry" The twins said before walking back to their table. Just in time, too. The doors had opened to let the guests in. The hosts departed to their own tables as you sat down in your own seat, blushing.

"Hello, (Y/N)-Senpai!"

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)-Senpai."

"Hi, (Y/N)-Senpai!"

You greeted your guests warmly as they took their seats. Alexander greeted you last, a bright grin on his face. Your face turned pink as you smiled in return. Your attention soon turned to the door as Honey and Mori walked in.

"Sorry we're late!" Honey said as he ran to you.

"(Y/N)-Chan! We washed the bento boxes you gave us." He smiled to you as Takashi came up behind him and handed you the food containers.

"It was the least we could do." Mori said as you too the boxes and put them in your lap.

"It's okay. You really didn't have to. I made it for you as a gift since you gave me gifts." You smiled. Honey gave you a last hug before walking to his table with Mori trailing behind. You looked back at your guests, your smile faltering for a second when you saw the hurt look in Alex's eyes. And... another emotion you couldn't make you. (A/N: Pretty obvious it's the green-eyed monster named Jealousy, main character, but okay, you oblivious child.) You fixed your smile and got down to business. You promised yourself you'd talk to him later, but that didn't stop it from poking at the back of your mind.

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