(2) For David

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She falls from a building, spreads her arms, half expects wings to shoot from her back but the realty is
She falls, gravity being her governor,
In her mind she was free falling, saw the rosy imaging of the winds caresses

Her wings were a mental disfiguration of free will and twisted judgment of real love
Tried to find it while falling, flying

Nearing towards the end, she finds herself looking upward, sees her lover falling after her
Reaches towards what he thinks is his sanctuary, his lovely haven of silky skin and mounds of sweet flavor

The girl frowns
Looks towards the end
Sees her desire waving from below 
Wishes she could fall faster,
And when she does, when she does reach the end

She and her lover-- broken by desire

Not Quite, Midnight | poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora