9. My Little Pony

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Sparkles2006. Feb 2. 2017. 8.01 am: Ohmigod, you adults are so mean. I'm going to tell the site admin and get you kicked off.

Bronie51. Feb 2. 2017. 10.25 am: I repeat - THIS IS A SITE TO DISCUSS MY LITTLE PONY.

CasparTheRealUSA. Feb 2. 2017. 10.38 am: ShielaGoldbloomNYC - Fuck you traitor Joo. Your money grubbing zi'nist curroption is at an end. Forin loving libtard infiltraters. Trump'll get your new york joo kind when hes done with the Mexes.

Frank90. Feb 2. 2017. 11. 04 am: Caspar - Remember the President says the real enemy of freedom is the insidious sand scum Moslims. The Israeli state is our friend. Redirect your righteous anger - patriots 2gether. Here's a link about how there is a secret conspiracy to purge the Christian faiths and their Jewish brothers from the world to prepare for Satan's coming. (Link to website called TheGreatPlanOfSatan.com)

CaliWithHer2016. Feb 2. 2017. 12.23 pm: Deluded bigot fucks! Go suck cheeto dick.

AmukoTwenege. Feb 2. 2017. 12.51 pm: God bless the righteous. The Lord is our shield.

CasparTheRealUSA. Feb 2. 2017. 13.03 pm: Frank90 - Oh yeah forgot ahbout them. Muzzies are the enmies of the real A Mericans. Guess Joos are ok an forgot Ivanka's one now. Ivanka is damn fine.

RichBong4590. Feb 2. 2017 13.34 pm: I would plow Ivanka's pussy like my dick was about to fall off. #foxy

Angela's Mom. Feb 2. 2017. 15.09 pm: What the hell is going on here? I've messaged admin.

RichBong4590. Feb 2. 2017. 16.00 pm: Damn! Angela's mom got it going on. I would fuck you til your insides exploded! #milf #suckmydickbaby

Lawrence2015. Feb 2. 2017. 16.56 pm: RichBong - what are you kid, like 12? Grow up

RichBong4590. Feb 2. 2017. 17.03 pm: Lawrence2015 - old enough to give your wife 12 more inches of love meat than she's used to dickwad! #14inches #fuckinLarry'swifesass

MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Feb 2. 2017. 18.19 pm: RichBong4590 - ain't no yoos talkin to a libtard. Fuckin fag problee aint got a wife, nless his wifes name is Bruce. Your wife called Bruce an ya have threewayz with Barrik Hoosein Osama Lawrence2015?

DataCache9. Feb 2. 2017. 18.21 pm: For all your data needs at the best prices, click our link (link to DataCache.org) and claim your free starter bonus. Validated by the board for US Data Commerce Storage. Click now for best discounts.

Lawrence2015. Feb 2. 2017. 18.28 pm: MakeAmericaGreatAgain - What makes you assume I'm a liberal?

AmukoTwenege. Feb 2. 2017. 18.32 pm: 'And in the end times there shall come a mighty host and the disciples of the devil will stain the land and the pure will wail a fervent lament up to the Lord, our God. Save us Lord, they will cry and with outstretched arm and a flaming sword, the father shall at last answer his children. But first will come a great tribulation to test the righteous and woe betide those who fail the test, for only the faithful shall be saved.'

Juan Henandez. Feb 2. 2017. 18.42 pm: Do you guys even know who you voat in? I am good man who want just to better make life. Donald Trump is devil who make America not great again. Why you build wals? We need tear down wals, not separate the good mens of both our countri.

TheSouthShallRiseAgain. Feb 2. 2017. 18.49 pm: Damn immigants. Trump'll stop you filthy wetbacks comin in, takin are jobs an rapin are wimmin. Fuck Californya and New York trators.

Libartsstudent450. Feb 2. 2017. 18.56 pm: We're the traitors!? Your orange Stalin is giving away our freedoms to Russia! Putin's cock is so far up Trump's fat ass that it's covered with permanent bronzer! Hilary should have won! Blow up the orange tyrant!

MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Feb 2. 2017. 19.01 pm: Lawrence - cos you're a damn pussy.

BreitbartCommentator12. Feb 2. 2017. 19.17 pm: CaliWithHer2016 - it's because of your kind that Obama had 8 years to sell us out and almost dismantle every American institution that made us so great since the end of World War II. I do not get you people, hiding your head in the sands while that closet muslim communist pursued his agenda of weakening the USA and advancing the causes of so called progressiveness - in fact a veiled attempt to corrupt family, state and church. Under Obama patriotism became a dirty word. He undermined the very fabric of our society, killing unborn babies in the womb, allowing confused men to use women's bathrooms, breaking up the family unit and foistering Obamacare on us.

BreitbartCommentator12. Feb 2. 2017. 19.22 pm: SheilaGoldbloomNYC - Progress for whom? I have many Jewish friends and I can tell you that they are disgusted with so called New York liberals or really race traitors who if they stepped foot in the glorious state of Israel should be seized and tried as Arab collaborators. The President is finally going to set thing right and support Israel again after the shameful desertion by the Arab League toady known as Barrack Obama.

BreitbartCommentator12. Feb 2. 2017. 19.25 pm: Frank90 - quite right. Our Christian faith is intertwined with our Jewish brothers by long ties and bonds of history. The Jews have been in the middle east and existing as a fragmented nation for thousands of years. The loose collection of nomadic tribes who started calling themselves Palastinians in the 1960's have no legitimate claim to Israel.

BreitbartCommentator12. Feb 2. 2017. 19.29 pm: Libartsstudent450 - I'm presuming you're a brainwashed millennial who has been fed a steady diet of propaganda and false news from the dishonest mainstream media. I'm not going to insult you as that is counter-productive. I only hope that you will do some reading for yourself and realise just how misguided young people such as yourself are, under the liberal elites. Read about America and our proud Anglo Saxon heritage and you'll weep when you realise how much the Dems have destroyed our proud roots.


GoKuGamerUSA. Feb 2, 2017. 20. 21 pm: Suck mah dick fags!

Lawrence2015. Feb 2. 2017. 20.23 pm: MakeAmericaGreatAgain - I actually voted for Trump. You can be respectful and still hold Republican views. I don't agree with him on everything but I think he speaks for the forgotten Americans, those decent folk who just want jobs and opportunity.

RichBong4590. Feb 2. 2017. 20.40 pm: Fag!

CaliWithHer2016. Feb 2. 2017. 22.13 pm: Like I'm gonna listen to some douche calling himself Breitbart Commentator? Take your kkk lovin Steve Bannon ass banging self back to Dixie and wait. The people are on the march! We won't accept your illigitimat fuhrer and we'll stand up for LGBT, minoritit es, women and immigrants. Fuck you nazi!! #2ndAmericanRevolution #Hilary2017Legit

Harvey5. Feb 2. 2017. 22.29 pm: So you're advocating violent overthrow of a democratically elected President? So much for the myth of peace loving, fair minded Democrats! Everything's cool until you don't get your own way. Well back to your safe spaces and cry some more snowflakes. I'm done with you!

CaliWithHer2016. Feb 2. 2017. 23.18 pm: Hilary won the popular vote you racist dick! We'll resist Drumpf with everything we've got and fuck you if you get in our way redneck!

Sparkles2006. Feb 3. 2017. 8.02 am: I told my mom and she's complaining. You should all wash your nasty mouths out!

RichBong4590. Feb 3. 2017. 9.34 am: Is your mom hot? #banginmilfsallday

SITE ADMIN NOTICE. Feb 3. 2017. 9.34am: Thanks to a high volume of complaints about inappropriate and off topic conversation that violated the clearly stated rules of the My Little Pony message boards, this thread has been shut down and all posters with the exception of the OP and the subsequent three posters - Sparkles2006, Bronie51 and PonyBabe194 have been banned from these forums. Please take your political discussions to an appropriate forum. This one is solely for the discussion of all things My Little Pony related. Thank you.

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