"Alright, alright, I get it. Now get out so I can take the leap of faith." He gave you a bone-crushing hug and ran out the door, shouting a "good luck!"

Unbeknownst to you, Hikaru was watching the whole thing, despite not being able to hear you two from his table, which he was cleaning. He couldn't deny feeling jealous of Alex's close relationship with you. He wanted you to confide in him as much as you did Alex. He reasoned that it was because you two were best friends, but he wanted your attention to be on him. He wanted you to be his.


Once you finished clearing your table, with the help of Tamaki, who was waiting to lock up, you walked over to the twins, who were grabbing their personal belongings. 

"Hikaru-Senpai?" You said, getting his attention. Though, you didn't really need to. His attention will always be on you.

"Oh! Yes, (Y/N)-Chan?" He responded, putting a quiet blush on your face.

"I was wondering if, maybe, you wanted to go to the festival tomorrow with me?" He smiled and looked at his brother, who nodded.

"Yeah! We'll pick you up at your hour at seven, okay?"

You nodded, flushed.

"Alright! Bye, (Y/N)-Chan!" He and his brother shouted as they walked out the door.



Today was the festival, the day you've been dreading since, well, yesterday. The day had gone by unfortunately fast, as it was already 6:30. You had thirty minutes to get dressed, which you did, while panicking. You swear, anxiety will be the death of you. You wore a nice (fave color) yukata with (second fave color) flowers and a (third fave color) obi. Your mother placed a (fave flower) clip in your hair while gushing about how pretty and grown up you were. You picked up your purse just as the door bell rang. You opened it up to find the host club their, all in yukatas as well. Haruhi has cute hair extensions in her hair, along with a flower clip.

"Wow! (Y/N)-Chan looks so cute! Doesn't she?" Honey asked.

The other hosts agreed, making you blush.

"Hey, Hikaru! Isn't that one of the yukatas mom designed?" Kaoru asked.

"I think so! It looks better on (Y/N)-Chan than it did on the model, though." Hikaru smiled at you.

"I suppose. Now, let's get going before all the good prizes are won. I heard there were some really nice goldfish to win, but there aren't many." Kaoru said.

With that, you all headed to the festival.


At the festival, all of you were together for only a few minutes before you all got separated. Honey and Mori went to get sweets, Tamaki dragged Haruhi somewhere, and Kyoya went who knows where. That left you to be dragged away to various game booths by the twins. Hikaru had even won you a little goldfish. You then took some time to find the others and eat dinner, then dispersing once more.

You excused yourself to go to the bathroom and on your way back to the twins, you ran into Alex. 

"(Y/N)! How is it? Are you here with your brother or Hikaru?" Alex asked. 

"I'm here with Hikaru and Kaoru. I assume you are with your sister?" 

"Yeah. How is it going, though?"

"Well, he won me a goldfish." You grinned. 

"Wow! I bet you a thousand yen (A/N: About $9 U.S. dollars) that he likes you." 

"No way!" You laugh.

"You just don't want to pay me! You know I'm right!" 

"As if!" You scoffed but end up breaking into laughter with Alex.

- Woah, change perspective a bit(?) - 

Hikaru was looking around for you. You'd been gone a bit longer than he expected. The crowd cleared a bit and he saw you... With Alexander. Had you ditched him for Alex?  He felt jealous, no denying it. He wanted your attention and affection. 

"Hey, (Y/N)-Chan!" He called before he could stop himself. That caught Alex's and your own attention as Hikaru made his way through the crowd to you, leaving Kaoru behind. 

"Come on, the fireworks are gonna start." Hikaru said as he put his arm around your shoulders, not noticing your blushing face as he stared at Alex. Alex just smiled at Hikaru as he walked away.

"Bye, (Y/N)! Have fun! See you guys on Monday!" He disappeared into the crowd.

"(Y/N)-Chan, when I gave you those gifts with my brother, it wasn't because I liked you in the way he did. When I first saw you, I felt like I truly did like you in a more-than-friend kind of way. When you gave everyone but me a bento box, and when you share secrets with Alex, I always feel jealous because I didn't receive that affection and trust from you. (Y/N)-Chan, I am in love with you and I hate feeling left out by you." He confessed as he hugged you around the waist, his head on your shoulders.

He pulled his head away momentarily before giving you a chaste kiss on the lips.

"I understand if you don't feel the same but-" You cut him off with a deep kiss. He gladly kissed back as the fireworks began. You were very happy.


You held one hand behind your back and received a low-five from Alex. You pulled away from Hikaru and looked around.

"Hey, where's Kaoru?"

FINALLY! I tried to update last night but there was an error and I couldn't do jack shit. If you like Hetalia or VanossGaming, I have two new stories that came out today. That was probably a mistake since it took like two years to finish this crap. That's all. ALEXANDER'S ENDING IS NEXT THANK GOD THE LAST ONE

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