Chapter 6

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-Y/n POv-

Ok everything has gone wild again. People got out of the when Yuri Plisetsky came. GOD DAMNIT. "Hey triplets." they all looked at me. I nodded at them. They all knew what I mean "EVERYONE GO HOME!" we all yelled out. I bet they looked scared of us.

People started to leave. Thank god. "Man that actually worked" Yuri said. A thought hit me "Hey sense there are 2 Yuri's this is kind of confusing me..." The two Yuri's looked at me. "You are Yurio from now on." I pointed to the Russian boy. "Yeah we should do that." Yukko agreed . Then everyone started to agree except for Yurio. "W-what no!" he disagreed.

"Its gonna be confusing if I only say Yuri and both of you respond!"

-Time skip and Yurio POv brought you by Dazai Osamu-

We were all done arguing, and that made me angry. What made me even more is that Victor didn't remember the promise he made for when I have my Senior debut. But I'm over that for the rest of today until tomorrow. Oh and I almost forgot Victor couldn't decide wither to leave Japan or stay in Japan so he's making a short program. And the winner either have Victor go to Russia or with me or Stay here in Japan with Y/n and Yuri in Japan. 

So now I have something to be mad with... again.  

Anyways now we were at the Katsuki's home/Hot spring. "Where's my room?" I asked "You're staying here!?" the pig said. "If you have Victor all to yourself, it wouldn't be a fair match"

I saw that Y/n had a Lenny face "Yeah Yuri it wouldn't be fair" she snickered. The pig glared at her. "I'm going to sleep!" I said. I got out of the room and the second I get out my stomach started to growl.

I opened the door again.

"Give me food!" I said angrily. "Jeez be polite and say please" Y/n said. I blushed at her statement or at her. 'She is so cute- wait stop it Yurio- AH my name is not Yurio! ARGHHH' I thought

She got up. "Well should I ask mom to make a Pork Cutlet bowl?" she asked the pig. "I think mom is busy, so you make one." She nodded "Oh and Yurio you should take a bath if you want" she smiled at me and blushed. "U-um su-re... I w-ill" I stuttered. 'Why am I stuttering?'

"C-can you show me the way where I can t-take a bath." she nodded

-Y/n POv-

I am showing Yurio where the bathing room.(Idk wat to call it). There is an awkward silence. This small trip feels like a big trip. "I saw your skating on TV a few years ago" he broke the silence "Yeah I was 17- wait how old are you?" I questioned him. "24" he answered. "Well you're a few months old than me. My birthday is on November 29" I said. "Mine is on March 1." I stopped. We are at the bathing room. "So we're here" he asked.

"Mm hm, I can take your bags with me and put them somewhere safe." He nodded. Then I took his bags. "Lighter than I expected.." I thought out loud. I heard a faint chuckle. It was Yurio. I ignored it. "Well enjoy your bath." I said to him. Then left  to make Yurio's food.

-Victor POv-

After they both left I fangirled or more like fanboyed "They would be so cute together!" I said. Yuri frowned "I don't know Y/n had had some boyfriends and it would never work out.. That's why she chose to be single, and I'll protect her." he told me "By the way what did you do to those other boyfriends." I asked "They may or may not have an 'accident' with my skates." he smirked.  "Oooh I'll help you next time."

-Y/n POv-

I sighed "I'm done with the Pork Cutlet Bowl, finally." I picked up the bowl and took it to Yurio. "That smells good." he said and placed down his food. He took a bite and his eyes glowed "Dish ish sho goo!" he said. I blushed "Thanks f-for liking it." Mari came in "Another Visitor?" she asked. Yurio turned around and Mari started started to fangirl "No way! He looks like my idol The Blond Takao!"

"Who's that?" Yuri asked.

"And by the way his name is also Yuri so, call him Yurio so it wont get confusing." I saw that Yurio got angry of the name so he is eating his food angrily now. "So where will be he staying?"

"My room." I answerd "WHAT!?" Yuri looked furious. (Lol Fast and Furious). "What, is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Um, yeah! A boy sleeping in your room, Nope!" Yuri said. Yurio's face is red "It's not like we're gonna sleep together!" I argued "I still don't trust you!" he said. "I'm an adult too y'know!"

"But I'm older than you, Y/n!"

"Yeah by 2 minutes!- You know what I'm not going to keep arguing." I left.

-3rd person POv-

Y/n and Yuri left after her. They left an awkward silence. "I thought Takeshi said that they were really close." Victor said "They are close, I just don't know why they're like this now." Mari answerd. Yurio was in awe of what he saw and heard. But he was really glad there was no Violence. "Mari, where is Y/n's room?" Yurio asked. She pointed to her room. He got up and went to her room. He opened the door.

He saw Y/n punching a pillow and heard her mumbling words. She stopped "Sorry you guys had to see us like that Yuri" she called him by his real name. He hesitated because of her saying his real name. Then walked where she was-Y/n's bed- and sat down with her. "It's okay" Yurio said softly. She made eye contact with him. 

'She was crying' he thought. "We've never fought like this" she finally said. "I've never had siblings so I've never fought a brother or sister but I fought with my coach and other people." he said a bit awkwardly

She laughed "Thank you Yurio for making me happy." He blushed "N-no pro-blem"

"Well its time to go to sleep" she said "I can go sleep on the floor." She started to get a pillow and blanket. "N-no it's all right I can sleep on the floor." They had a mini argument nothing to major but they ended up sleeping together in Y/n's bed.

They felt awkward. "W-well good night Yurio." she said "Night Y/n." and they drifted off to sleep.

Authors note

LOL ITS DONE so btw thiss is taking place in October or November just so you know and Yurio's age is different so you're welcome so see u in the next chapter lol more like talk to u Ahahaha lol I gotta stop

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