Chapter 4

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-y/n POV-

Hmm were gonna have a cold front. I thought while looking at the weather. I was in Yuri's room so we could just chillax and talk. "Yuri, y/n! Don't be in your room the whole day! Go shovel up the snow!" mom said. "Man, we have to shovel up the snow" I said disapointingly, I could tell that Yuri had the same reaction.

"C'mon Yuri lets get some warm clothes then go shovel up the snow." I got up and extended my hand to Yuri to help him get up. "I know why you're helping me up y/n!" Yuri said. 

Oops twin telepathy. I snorted.

-time skip brought you by Dragon Maids-

Yuri and I got ready and started to go outside.

-Yuri POV-

Y/n and I were starting to go outside then suddenly something tackled us. "VII-CHAN!?" we both yelled. 

"Wait, this is not Vii-chan,he is much bigger than Vii-Chan" y/n said confused. "Wait could it be.." I trailed off.  Then a person started talking, and it was our dad. "Isnt he just like Vii-Chan? A handsome man cam in with this dog. He went to the hot springs." Our eyes went wide, we couldn't believe it.  

-y/n POv-

Yuri and I got up and ran like the flash. Yuri ran faster than me but I usually run fast than him...

"Yuri you're messing up things!" I yelled while I had to jump over a TABLE. Yuri was there before I knew it and I had to go to the men's bathing room. Came to a stop and I was near the door and I realized that Victor might be naked. "Yuri are you there!?" I shouted. "Yes, I'm here" I covered my eyes and opened the door to where they were. "Can please guide me where you were"

As Yuri guided me I heard a voice. "So I've heard that you have a sister, Yuri" said the voice I gasped it was really Victor Nikiforov. "I thought it was a rumor but it is was true" he said "Hey! That's rude!" I still couldn't see anything. "Yuri, can you give Victor a towel so he can cover himself"

Yuri gives Victor his towel. Now my eyes are uncoverd, then I saw the one and only Victor. "So it is you!" I said excitedly. "Y/n guess what, Victor is gonna be my coach!" said Yuri


-Time skip brought you by Maccachin- 

-3rd person POv-

Minako burst open the door and yelled "YURI! WHY AREN'T YOU ASWERING YOUR CELL!!" 

Yuri's and y/n's mom was folding clothes. "What's wrong, Minako?" she asked. "EVERYTHING IS SUPER DUPER WRONG! THERE IS A RUMOR THAT VICTOR NIKIFORV IS GOING TO BE YURI'S COACH!!"

"You know we can hear you from here, Minako!" said Y/n and motioned Minako to come where they were. "He is sleeping"

-Yuri(o) POv-

"Victor went to Japan to be that other Yuri's coach, what a disgrace!" I said when I saw the news of Victor. "Doesn't he remember  the promise he made me!"

I Got up to find Yakov. "YAKOV! Explain this to me, damn it!"

-y/n POv-

We were all staring at Victor the whole time while he was sleeping. (Creep muchXDXD). He woke up by a sneeze and we all jumped. "He's awake" Yuri said and Victor got up. He was hugging a stuffed animal that looked like Maccahchin. One side of his robe slid off his shoulder. "I'm starving" he said tiredly. "He still wants to eat" Minako said.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Hmm, as you coach I would to know both, you and and y/n's" I was stunned of what he said. "W-what!? Me too!? W-why?" I stammered all over the place "Oh right, Yuri told me a bit about you, and he said that you're a bit better than him at ice skating." I was surprised that Yuri said that about me but thankful as well. "Yuri, I'm really mad at you and happy so, thanks and I hate you." I can see that he was scared. "Sooo, what do you guys like?"

"Pork Cutlet Bowls"


"Ok then lemme get both" he said. "Are you sure you can eat that much" I asked. He nodded 

"Okay then, I will get our mom"

-time skip brought you by Victor eating his food-

Mom brought Victors food and he immediately took a bite out of the pork Cutlet Bowl and the Tayaki. "VKUSNO! Is this what god eats?!!" I shoved a bunch of food I'm his mouth. "Glad you liked it!" Yuri added. "Yuri gains weight easily-"Minako interrupted, "So he was only allowed to eat a pork cutlet bowl when he won a competition." I saw that Minako was mad at me.
"Oh, so have you eaten this recently?" he asked. Yuri noded "Yes, I eat it often" Yuri answered. I knew what was coming. 

"Why? You haven't even won anything." Victor said without any bother. 

I laughed so hard and loud, "YURI HIS DISSED YOU!" I said while laughing. "Y/N STOP TEASING ME" he whined. I stopped laughing and tears of joy were in my eyes. "That was priceless" I said while wiping the tears out of my eyes. "Hey, the luggage is in the way!" Mari said as she points at the boxes. It literally looked like Victor was moving into our home. "Can you take it to the room that i'll be staying in, please." Victor asked. "Staying?" Both Minako and Yuri said at the same time. "Ill help putting the luggage in your room, Victor!" I said with a smile. Then, I got up and started moving the boxes."

-time skip brought you by 707(ok ive been obsessed with mystic messenger this weekend and ive played some the game and gave up lol)-

Yuri put down the last box. "Looks like we're done here!" I said smiling. "What a classic tiny room." he said while stretching. I smiled at my brother, I can see that he is grateful. "Well ima go get some water, wants some Yuri?" He nodded

-3rd person POV-

Y/n went to get some water. "You look anxious Yuri. You can pay the coaching fee later after you guys achieve success!" he said. "Th-thanks.." Yuri said back. "Yuri, tell me about yourself." Victor lifted up Yuri's face with his hands and their faces were close it almost looked like they were kissing.  Then y/n came in without any warning with the two water bottles in her hand and dropped them as she saw Yuri and Victor really close to each other. She quickly took out her phone and took a picture of it.

Then Yuri freaked out. He freaked out so much that he back up into a wall. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?" y/n exclaimed. "I was asking him some questions" He said. 'This dummy..' y/n thought.

-Time skip brought you by Akinator and Y/n POv-

I heard some banging on a Yuri's door. Then I heard a voice "Yuri lets sleep together!" The I heard another voice "No!"

When the commotion was done I left my room and try find Victor. I saw a figure with a stuffed animal. It was Victor he had tears in his eyes. "Hey, Victor" I whispered. "Hey" I jumped I thought he was asleep. "Don't mind Yuri, I think because The One and Only Victor Nikiforov is here, he is acting nervous." I chuckled. "Hey, I just realized that you and Yuri are really different" he told me. "Well he used to be like me, but ever sense he lost, he has been different" I answered.  "I have some expectation from the both of you." he said. "And I expect something from you too Victor, I ant you to make Yuri's life a bit more different" I said confidently.

Authors note


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