I grinned widely at their comments and their caution. Diane probably did look formidable since she was wearing all of her weapons.

I watched as one of the men dismounted and passed the reins and his sword to another rider. The trailers were almost directly across the road from us, and slowed to a stop while the rest watched him.

This must be Roland. He held up his hands to show he had no weapons as he stepped off the pavement and slowly walked towards us. Diane let her glaive slide through her hands until the butt rested on the ground and the blade pointed straight to the sky to show that she had no plans to attack him.

My eyes drifted to the others who waited with the now-stopped trucks. A few looked like they were ready to have their horses run in if a fight broke out. I could see one of the women driving had a loaded crossbow in her lap; it was mostly hidden, but I could see it.

Others were also alert and ready to help this middle aged man if he encountered difficulties or walked into a trap. The weapons and strangers made me nervous, and I remained motionless in case any movement attracted attention. I knew exactly how well motion could draw the eye from my own experiences.

The man was now within speaking distance. It was luck that he hadn't spotted me sitting on the ground yet. Diane's fingers rubbed lightly together before flicking out. That was my cue.

Diane also knew that the presence of a child would affect how the others reacted towards her. I was ready to do anything that would help her. I quickly stood up and the movement made Roland stop in surprise. I hid shyly behind Diane, aware of that everyone on the road was also watching us at this point.

I peeked out from behind her. Surprise and shock was clearly written on Roland's face. Those on the road were swiftly hiding their weapons. None of them had expected a child to appear out of the long grass and hide behind an armed woman. Then again, they had been surprised by Diane's presence. We were in the middle of nowhere though...

Roland held out his hands to show that they were empty as he took a few slow steps closer to us. Diane watched his approach with a calm, yet alert, stance. Once he was close enough to speak without shouting Diane spoke loudly, "Hello, I assume you are traders heading up to Mountain Fort?"

Roland stopped his approach and nodded, "Yes. Are you heading that way too?"

So they were traders of some sort. Diane nodded, "Yes."

He gestured slowly back at the group on the highway, "Would you like to join us? Honest, we don't mean you any harm. We are kind of surprised to see you out here on foot though."

Diane watched him while considering the offer, "Thank you. I think we will accept. I am Diane and this is Laura."

Roland grinned and relaxed now that he knew we were friendly. Diane turned to put out the fire and I quickly gathered up the rest of the clams. They were all cooked now. Once we finished, I stood just behind Diane's elbow and looked up at her with a silent question.

Diane nodded and I slowly stepped out around her to walk warily towards Roland with the bag of clams held out. Diane followed me as we closed the distance between him and us. Roland gave me a friendly smile as reassurance, he had obviously realized I was quite shy.

He slowly reached his large hand into the bag to grab two clams. I retreated to Diane's side. Most adults in this zombie-infested world were very protective of any child, and my actions might help make them more accepting of both Diane and myself. I couldn't do much to help her, but my young age and cute face were something that she couldn't copy.

Roland started to walk towards the trailers and Diane walked a comfortable distance from him. I stuck close to Diane, uncertain of what to make of this group yet.

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