Chapter 2

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I started my third year life as a loner again. 'No big deal.' I thought. I know that I will find some new friends.

There are 5 sections from my batch. I'm at the higher section compared to the other 3 sections. Which means my section is second to the highest.

 I will busy myself by studying so that I won’t be sad or miss her. I thought. I’ll try my best to have good grades for my college. Also, I must make friends so that I won’t be a loner for the whole year.

At the same time, I'm hoping that bullies didn't reach second section. If they do, I might die in there! I might not be able to study, to make friends, to have fun or anything else. Oh I pray that they’re at the lower section.

During the first day of my class, I noticed that there are very few bullies in my class. 'Good. Very Good.' I thought.

After a few more days in my class, I had a seatmate; he was sitting in front of my seat. He was bigger than I am. His body shape is like a bully. At first, I wasn't sure whether to make friends with him. Again, I was worried that this person may be a bully or be a burden to me, but I took the chance to make friends with him.

If I want to make more friends I must be brave right?

After a few weeks in class, I came to a conclusion that he was a good person. He helps me in some subjects that I find hard to understand. He was very friendly and fun to talk with. Also, he's not the type of person that I expect him to be. He's not a bully at all. In fact, we can be best friends.

I came to believe the quote 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' because his appearance did not reflect his character at all.

It didn't take long to find more friends. In a matter of few more days, I gained more friends. Finally, I was laughing with other people, smiling for random reasons, and joking around with people.

 There are some times that we’ll go to the mall to celebrate a birthday or just for fun, hanging out during weekends, laughing while a boring teacher teaches, helping each other when one is having a hard time in a certain subject, telling secrets, and hanging out at someone else’s house.

It was more than I could ever ask for.

There are some times though, when I can’t go out with them because I’m too busy doing something else. I study during weekends even if I don’t want to. All I can think about is studying hard to get a good impression for college. But, I still try my best to go out with my friends because I don’t want to lose them. I try my best to catch up whenever they say something, so that I won’t be out of place.

My friends are very considerate. Sometimes, it’s okay for them even if I don’t go out that much. That’s one of the reasons why I love them so much.

I’m so thankful for my friends because they helped me grow stronger to face life with a smile. When a tragedy comes, they’ll be there to comfort me and make me laugh.

They made me open my eyes to see the beauty of life. They made me live my life like I never before. They gave me a reason to be happy with my life, to be satisfied with what I have, to wake up each day with a smile on my face.

There are a lot of times when my friends fight. Sometimes I will be part of the fight, but the fight will be easily ceased.

Sometimes, fights make friendship grow stronger. You’ll learn from your mistakes and get a chance to change for the better.

My friends are my second family. I love them so much! I love them with my whole heart. I’ve never been satisfied before.

My friend's group grew bigger and bigger, which means, more people to laugh with.

Out of nowhere, my old best friend returned. We talked, texted, and told some stories. I missed her so much! And now, I’m very glad that she returned. We’re close again, maybe not as best friends, but I’m sure we’re close friends. I’m thankful to God that my friend returned to me. I still remember those happy days that we had. Those walking together during break time, talking while walking, and so much more.

The school year is about to end and I felt really sad about it. Next year will be our last year here in high school. We’ll be graduating after that and we’ll go on our separate ways. I don’t want this year to end because I still want to hang out with my friends.

When we got our card, I was expecting to have a very low mark. Since, I didn’t study that much during our last quarter. One of the main reasons why I didn’t study is because there’s a very big possibility that I may be transferred to the top section. I don’t want there because there topics are much harder than ours. Also, I don’t want to leave my friends behind! I don’t want new friends from the top section because all I want is them!

That’s why I tried to lower my grades, for my friends. I didn’t study, for my friends.

But I failed! Instead of getting a lower great, I got a higher grade. At this moment, I have a VERY, VERY big possibility going to the highest section.

It’s a little bit unfair because whenever I study REALLY hard, I get a low grade. But when I studied very little of my lessons, I got a very high grade.

I don’t want to leave my friends. I don’t want to go to the highest section because I don’t have any friends in there. I will be a loner again. Everything will go back to the way it was. And I don’t want that.

I will be scared again. No more smiling, talking, and laughing during class hours. I will once more become the serious guy I have always been. My life will be boring again.

Now, I’m hoping that they won’t put me in the first section. If they will, I’ll just beg our English Supervisor to put me back to my old section. Maybe I’ll even tell them this whole story if they won’t let me go back.

They say that the English Supervisor doesn’t let students transfer classes when it’s already the fourth year. If that happens, I’ll be doomed!

But now, all I can do is to wait for the decision of the teachers.

I Suck at Making FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now