We Meet Again Milday

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     "So, we meet again Milady," Hiccup sadly while Astrid lays unresponsive on the bed, "Dr. Corona said you can hear everything I'm saying so no matter how strange this is I'm just going to do it. I missed you." Hiccup lets a few more tears slip unknowingly out of the corner of his eyes. Even though all she could see was blackness Astrid hears him.
"I'm here Hiccup! Please tell me it is all over, I'm so sorry! Please tell me we are okay, that I'm safe!" She tries to call out but no noise leaves her, her lips don't even move. She feels something wet land on her cheek, was it a tear? She feels soft yet calloused hands brush it off her face.
"Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying," he murmurs, "you're the one in the coma!" Astrid laughs in her head although it is sad and hollow. After almost eight years she had given up hope of rescue before an opportunity finally presented itself and she ran for it. Now she is here but can't do anything to fix her past. She feels defeated.
"We have so much to talk about," Hiccup starts while Astrid listens intently, having missed the sound of his voice, "After you left I cooled off and realized how wrong I was, you were right you aren't a child."
"No Hiccup, you were right, what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have left." She tries but all she feels is a sudden rush of emotion. As Hiccup stares at her calm face he sees something drip out of the corner of her eye. A single tear. He takes that as a sign of hope so he keeps talking as he gently wipes it away.
"Then you never came home and I grew worried. I called everyone but no one had seen you. We called the police and everything but they couldn't find you. After a week it was declared abduction then later murder. I couldn't handle it, I was grieving for over a year until Tuffnut and Snotlout decided to try and get a girlfriend for me. I thought no one could replace you, and no one could. But then I met Merida. We dated for a long time and a few weeks ago I proposed. We are engaged." Hiccup explains as Astrid's heart breaks. How could she have not thought that he would move on from her? He had stopped looking for her after all.
"But now you're back," he pauses to draw in a deep breath, "I don't know what I am doing. I love Merida but she could never replace you. Now, I don't know what to do." Astrid's heart soared, he still loved her! After everything they've been through. But now there is another woman who he is engaged too. The thought immediately grounds her heart again, they were engaged. How can she compete with a woman Hiccup decided he would want to spend the rest of his life with. Hiccup suddenly reaches into his pocket of his jacket where he kept the velvet box after all these years.
"Part of me is telling me that should be us, I was going to propose that night you know. I still have the ring." Hiccup sighs sadly due to him trying to think of a solution to this problem. Astrid is mentally kicking herself, since she can't kick herself physically yet, why did she run away! She could be happily engaged or married to Hiccup and not that Merida woman.
"But the problem is I still love Merida. I also love you and now I don't know what to do. I don't know what I was thinking or what I am thinking! Do you know where I am working right now? As a pharmacist. I hate that job! You know I always wanted to open a dog training and pet shop but we didn't have the funding. Merida says that the pharmacy makes good money but it just doesn't make me happy. I don't think she understands that though." Hiccup muses while Astrid feels sorry for him. If she was awake she would help him have his dream come true. Ever since they were kids all they ever talked about was owning this shop together so Stormfly and Toothless could help and they could help other dogs like them find homes. She had always assumed after she left he lived on their dream just without her. Now it seems like that Merida girl was holding him back. All she wanted was for him to be happy, as long as he was happy she would be okay. Suddenly a knock at the door comes so Hiccup stands up to get it.
"No! Don't leave me!" Astrid tries to shout but as if out of instinct grabs his hand. Hiccup looks down in shock as Mr. And Mrs. Hofferson walk in with Stormfly. Stoick follows behind them and his eyes quickly widen.
"What just happened?" Mrs. Hofferson exclaims rushing to her daughter's side.
"I don't know, she just grabbed my hand when I went to open the door!" Hiccup happily shouts and that is when Astrid finally realizes what she did.
"Dr. Corona!" She can hear a low voice, probably Stoick, shout. Soon the soft pattering of footsteps could be heard then a door swinging open. Soon Astrid could feel a new presence next to her and warm breathing on her cheek. Dr. Corona hunches over Astrid's face for a moment before shouting with glee.
     "Calm down Blondie. What is it?" A husky, male voice says. Astrid remembers hearing his voice earlier, he is married to her doctor she thinks.
     "Sorry Flynn. Mr. Mrs. Hofferson, I don't know how he did it but Hiccup broke through to your daughter. Her grabbing his hand is a sign of her waking up!" Dr. Corona shouts causing Hiccup to look down at the closed eyes of Astrid. He gets down on his knees, not letting go of her hand he whispers to her.
     "Please Astrid, I'm right here. Open your eyes again. Stay strong, just a little longer, please for me?" He says and he swears he can see the corners of her mouth twitch upwards ever so slightly.

A/N: because I'm bored and have nothing to do today I'm just going to post this chapter early. Thanks!

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