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Seven Years Old
"Come and get me Hiccs!" A little blonde girl shouts to her best friend who is struggling to keep up with her.
"Asty! I can't run that fast!" He pouts as he chases the girl ahead of him.
"I know!" She giggles as she continues to run before tripping over a rock and landing on the ground with an 'oof.'
"Asty! Asty are you okay?" The little boy asks examining his best friend's foot. His auburn mop of hair falls into his eyes as he looks at her with concern.
"Yeah. Just sort of a fuzzy feeling." She giggles pushing herself up before helping up her friend.
"Astrid! Hiccup! Lunch is ready!" A tall woman with long brunette locks calls from the doorway of a patio which connects to a rather large house.
"Coming momma! So Asty-" Hiccup turns to find his friend already running back to the house.
"Race you there!" She calls from ahead as she gets closer to the door.
"Hey! No fair!" Hiccup whines as he sprints to catch up to Astrid.

Ten Years Old
"This is so exciting!" Astrid gushes as she and Hiccup wolf down pancakes before school.
"I know, fifth grade! Never thought I'd survive the other years to get to it!" Hiccup laughs as he pours more syrup onto his pancake.
"We are the kings of the world!" She shouts leaping from her chair and pumping her fist in the air.
"Wouldn't you be the queen?" Hiccup asks, clearly confused by his blonde best friend.
"It doesn't matter. What matters is we are at the top now! And no one can bring us down!" She shouts again this time startling Hiccup's dog Toothless who lets out an unhappy grunt.
"Except for me because I'm the chief." Hiccup's father, Stoick, chuckles from the doorway with his wife, Valka, who is holding the two children's book bags.
"Wouldn't the King and Queen outrank a chief?" Astrid asks while grabbing her bag from Valka.
"Not in this household." Stoick booms proudly and puffs his chest out jokingly causing everyone to laugh until a car horn is heard honking from outside.
"That's my dad! Come on Hic! Thanks Valka and Stoick for breakfast!" Astrid shouts as she drags Hiccup through the door. He can barely mutter a good bye to his parents as the blue eyed beauty shoved him into her car and slams the door.

Thirteen Years Old
"Hiccup come on! We are gonna be late if you keep taking your precious time up there!" Astrid shouts from the bottom of Hiccup's stair case. She was in a light blue dress that was lace top and sleeves but fanned out into silk as it reached her waist area. She had her hair in its usual braid and wore black converse as she waited for her best friend to get down the stairs. Tonight was the night of their eighth grade formal dance. Neither of them had dates so they decided to do everything like they've always done, as best friends. Both were secretly glad though because they had budding crushes on each other.
"I'm coming!" Hiccup shouts back as he fixes his light blue tie. He was wearing a white shirt tucked into kaki colored pants with a belt. He and Astrid never really did the very fancy stuff, as one could tell from her converse, and decided tonight was not an exception to their rule. He finally slid down the banister to meet Astrid at the bottom of the stairs.
"What did I say about that young man!" Valka lightly scolds as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Sorry Mom." He chuckles nervously while she looks him over.
"It's fine. Now pictures!" She shouts and as if on cue a honk is heard outside.
"Sorry mom, Mr. Hofferson is here. Bye!" He shouts as Astrid pulls him out of the door just like she does, and has done, every morning for the past thirteen years.
"You nervous?" Hiccup asks in the car when he sees a pale faced Astrid.
"A bit. These aren't really my type of scenes you know." She chuckles softly while he does the same. He did know for a fact she doesn't normally come to these things but since he was going it was an exception.
"Me either but we'll do his like we do everything, together." He says interlacing his fingers with hers on the word together.
"Together." She repeats, smiling, and giving his hand a small squeeze before they step out of the car and into the gymnasium.

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