Chapter 9

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I'm really bad at these so I'm just gonna say I hope you like it from now on.

Tony's POV:

*3 days after Rosies birth*

They had given us permission to go home after they taught us how to take care of the baby. Ziva and I were lucky that we'd put the car seat in a couple days before she had Rosie. We put her in her car seat and drove home. We came around the corner and saw Abby, Mcgee, Gibbs, Ducky, Palmer, Ellie, and Vance holding a sign saying "Congrats on Rosie!" Tony laughed and parked the car in front of the garage. The team had know not to park their cars there since we needed to get into the house easily. Ziva took Rosie out of her car seat and wrapped her up in a blanket it was February and was snowing outside. We all got inside the house and the team took turns carrying the baby. Abby of course was almost bursting with excitement and wanted to hold the baby first. ZIva handed her the baby and everyone quickly surrounded Abby. Vance and Gibbs told us that we didn't have to work for a month or two or until we we're ready and congratulated us on the baby. Gibbs went over to Ziva and hugged her. "You better take care of them DiNozzo." I smiled and hugged Ziva, "I promise Gibbs." Ziva went over to Mcgee who was now holding the baby with Abby kissing his cheek. I saw him blush and kiss her back. Gibb's saw them and started saying, "RULE #12 MCGEE RULE #12!" Ziva and I laughed. We we're allowed to break the rule because Gibbs hadn't known about us plus she just had our child. Gibbs didn't know that Abby and Mcgee had been secretly dating for over 4 months. They'd been trying to find a way to tell him but I didn't know what the big problem was. Abby was probably Gibbs favorite and he would forgive them right away. I heard the baby start crying and went over to get her from Mcgee who looked like he'd just seen a ghost, "I didn't do anything Tony I swear. She just started crying." I laughed and took the baby. Ziva was in the Rosie's room getting her some new clothes and a diaper to change her. I rocked her and let her wrap her little fingers around mine. For as little as she was he had a pretty strong grip. I kissed her fingers and looked up to see every staring and smiling at me, "What?! She's my daughter!" Mcgee spoke up, "No it's just really cute to see you and your baby together." I chuckled and saw Ziva coming down the stairs to get Rosie to go up and change her, "Guys excuse me for one moment I'm going to go up with her." They nodded and I went up with Ziva.

Ziva's POV:

I heard Tony coming up the stairs and smiled, "He's going to be the dad I wish I had to you Rosie, I'm so glad he's your father and not somebody else." Tony was leaning on the door smiling, "Thank you sweetcheeks. She's going to have the bravest women I've ever met as her mother." , he said as he came over and kissed me. I finished changing her diaper and went back down with everyone else. From the stairs I could see Mcgee and Abby together. Mcgee had his hand on her waist and their noses were touching as they smiled. Gibbs was in the living room with Vance talking about a case, Emily looking and at them with a serious face, apparently trying to put some of the information together for the case. I liked Emily she was very kind and undoubtedly pretty. Tony saw I was looking at her and put a hand around me, "She's very kind and extremely smart. I don't think she's as smart as you but she's talented. Did you know she's married?" I shook my head, "She's looks really young. A little too young to be married don't you think?" He shrugged, "Yeah kinda." We finally got to the bottom of the stairs and Gibbs looked at us with sad eyes, "Zi I'm sorry to say this but we have to get going. We have a case and I think we're on to him. I promise we'll come and visit as soon as were done with the case." I nodded and understood that he was a very busy man. He kissed my cheek and said goodbye to Tony and Rosie. Gibbs went into the kitchen and stared at Mcgee and Abby kissing with disbelief, "MCGEE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? WHAT ABOUT RULE #12 HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU A DAY? COME ON WE'RE LEAVING." Mcgee held Abby's hand behind his back but made the mistake of walking in front of Gibbs while doing so. "DON'T HOLD HER HAND WHAT AM I SPEAKING JAPANESE!?" Mcgee turned around and faced Gibbs, his expressing was calm, "Gibbs we need to tell you something." Abby looked nervously at Mcgee and he nodded, "Gibbs Abbs and I have been dating for about 4 months and we hope you'll understand. I love her and would never do anything to hurt her. I know you're probably really pissed off but-" Gibbs just shook his head and pointed toward the door.

Sorry guys really short but I haven't posted in a while so I had to give you what I've got for now

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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