Chapter 5

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Here's the next part I hope you like it thanks to the 31 reads!!!

Ziva's POV:

I picked out a James Bond movie since I knew those were some if his favorites. I could smell popcorn in the kitchen and I got some sodas out of the fridge. I went into my room and got a blanket and changed into another one of Tonys oversized shirts. When I got out Tony was already putting the movie. He turned around to see me and patted the couch gesturing for me to sit next to him. "I love you Ziva. I love you so much." And he kissed me. I curled up next to him and he put his arms around me. "I love you too my little hairy butt." And again he chuckled when I said this. "Tony I'm sorry about my father today that was really wrong of him." He looked down at me, "It wasn't your fault sweetcheeks." And he kissed my forehead, "I know but that was still really wrong. And by the way you don't need his permission to marry me." He smiled, "That's good." And I smiled as well, "You'll need Gibbs permission." His smile slowly faded and I laughed. "Tony he's more a father to me than he is. And I'm sure he'll say yes." He gave me a worried look. "Okay he better. I still marrying you even if he says no." "Yea but first you have to propose. And I have to say yes." I teased. "I'll make you marry me." I laughed and said, "Okay."

Tony's POV:

She didn't know that I was planning on proposing in about a month. I already had the ring picked out. It wasn't too girly but it wasn't plain. It had little diamonds around the whole ring and on the inside it said Paris. She fell asleep halfway through the movie and I ran my fingers through her hair. She looked beautiful as always and peaceful. I knew I was lucky to have her. I couldn't wait for us to go back to D.C. tomorrow. Everything would be perfect. We would be together and one day have our little ninjas running around everywhere. I kissed the top of her head. Once we got back to D.C. we'd buy a house and I'm sure Gibbs wouldn't mind us getting married. But I don't think Ziva would like another women on our team. Bishop might get put on another team. I left that mess for Gibbs to deal with. I heard Ziva talking in her sleep, "'t hurt him! No not the baby please!" I shook her to wake her up, "Ziva wake up! Ziva!" she woke up and started crying. "Tony they took her! They tried to kill you! I tied to stop them!" I looked at her confused, "Who did they take Ziva?" She kept on crying and said, "Our baby they took her!" She cried. I pulled her toward me and hugged her tightly, "Ziva it's okay it was just a dream nobody's going to hurt us. I won't let them touch us okay?" She nodded still crying. "Don't cry sweetcheeks it's okay. I'm okay." I finally got her to calm down and she fell back asleep. She had a dream about us having a baby. I smiled, I could tell she really wanted to have a baby. This was the second dream she'd told me about where we had a baby. I ended up falling asleep as well dreaming about Ziva and us having a little ninja.
*2 hours later*
I woke up and saw Ziva was sweating. I picked her up carefully and laid her down on the bed. Some boxers and laid down next to her. It was still early only 6 pm but we had a long day tomorrow and needed rest. I looked at Ziva and brushed the hair out of her face. A couple minutes later she woke up. "Where are we?" I laughed, "We're in your room Zi." She rubber her eyes, "Oh. Tony did I ummm did I talk in my sleep?" I didn't know whether to tell her the bad stuff that happened or just the happy parts. I decided not to worry her and just tell her the nice parts, "Yea it was kinda cute. You we're talking about us and 'our baby'. I kinda liked it." She blushed "Oh god that's so embarrassing I can't believe I did that." I chuckled, "Zi it's not like I'm going to make fun of you for it. I love everything about you. You're perfect." She blushed again, "Tony stop doing that." I smiled, "What tell the truth? Ziva I love you and I don't think anything you do will make me stop loving you." She kissed me and said, "Thank you Tony. You always make me feel so special." "You are sweetcheeks don't ever think otherwise." She put her face in my chest again and I kissed the top of her head, "Do you want to have some dinner soon?" Ziva looked up, "Yea. Do you think you can make something tonight? Like your pasta? It's amazing." I chuckled, "Yea, and thank you." "Your welcome Tony. Is it okay if I stay in my pijamas or do I have to change?" I came out wearing pijamas and said, "What's the point in changing if we're going to get back in them after about an hour?"

Ziva's POV:

He had a point we were just going to change right back into them. Tony made servings for 3 just in case my father decided to come home early which I doubted. I went into the kitchen and saw Tony making the sauce for the pasta, "Hey sweetheart." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I stood behind him looking over his shoulder watching him cook. "One day you're going to teach me how to make this pasta so that I can make it for you and if we have kids for them too. You like kids right Tony?" He was done with the sauce so he turned the oven off and turned around to face me, "Yes Zi I like kids," he chuckled, "But I would love them if they were ours." I smiled, "Tony you need to propose soon." He laughed and kissed my forehead, "You have to be patient my super hot and loving and perfect ninja. I've been here for like 3 days." He turned around and started getting our plates ready. I went to grab mine but he shooed my hand away, "You can go sit down at the table Miss. David, I'm serving you tonight." I laughed, "Yes boss." I went and sat down at the table which he had decorated with candles. They were in the middle of the table and he had put a rose and a note that said:
"My Ziva I love you more than anything. I can't wait to go home tomorrow with you. I know I'm extremely lucky to have someone like you in my life and I'll never forget that. I love Miss. Soon to be wife if DiNozzo
- Your little hairy butt
I laughed when I read the last part. He really did love me as much as he said. I thought I was the lucky one. I saw Tony coming out and I got up and kissed him, "Thank you for everything and the little note Tony I love you." He laughed and set the plates down on the table. He came over by me and pushed my chair in once I sat down, "We finally get to have dinner together and as ourselves, you know not being undercover and all, although that was a lot of fun." I laughed, "Yes it feels different. There's more meaning to it." I had a bite of the pasta and it was amazing, "Tony this is probably the best home cooked meal I've ever had. It's amazing." We finished dinner up and went back into the room. I brushed my teeth and got in bed with Tony laying down next to me. "Tony thank you for coming I never knew you would do all this just to get me." He pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly. "Zi I would do anything for you." I suddenly started to feel really sick. "Oh god-" I got up and out of the bed and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. After a couple of minutes Tony knocked on the door, "Hey Zi can I come in?" I washed my hands and opened the door, "I don't know what that was maybe it was the pasta I don't know. I'm fine now though." Tony gave me a worried look, "Are you sure you're okay? That just came out of the blue." I nodded still feeling pretty sick I got back in bed but quickly got out again to puke. I was suspicious this wasn't really normal I'd had Tony's pasta before and this never happened. I went through the cabinet under the sink and got out a pregnancy test. I did the test and waited about 5 minutes. I knew it would be best just to tell Tony since he probably already sensed it anyways and he was obviously the father since he's the only man I've slept with since I left. I went out to Tony who was sitting on the bed looking pretty worried, "Tony, I um. I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant with you. I just did a test and I'm waiting for the results to come out." He kissed me and went into the bathroom with me to see the test. There was only about a minute. I looked over at it and it was positive. I didn't know what to say at first so I just looked at Tony. "Zi were gonna have a baby." He said smiling with his hands on my belly. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. We went back to the bed and Tony out his hand on my belly again. "Zi were gonna have a baby." he said again practically yelling now. I smiled and kissed his forehead, "Yes Tony we're gonna have a baby. But you'll have to wait 9 months." I don't think he was really listening because the next thing he said was, "We're going to have our little ninja running around everywhere. I'm going to be a father Zi." I never thought he could have such a big smile on his face before. "Zi I promise I'm going to protect the both of you with my life I'm not going to let anybody touch you guys okay?" I laughed, "Okay Tony."

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