Chapter 8

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Sorry guys I had a writers block I really didn't know what to write next but here it is and I decided to just skip the 9 months and just get to it so this is 8 ish months later

Ziva's POV:

Tony had gone out to go and get some groceries and I was in our new house organizing things. I was getting close to my due date so Tony rarely ever left me alone. I didn't feel anything or felt like I was going to have the baby today so I told him to go. I was in the baby's room putting things in order and baby proofing everything I possibly could. Tony had told me I was crazy baby proofing the whole house but I didn't want her getting hurt. We had found out that it was a girl and decided to name her Rosie. The doctor had told us that she would probably be a little over the due date because she under weight. Tony didn't mind too much but I did. I could barely sleep at all now and I hurt all over. I felt Rosie kick me and I groaned. Even though she was small it really hurt when she kicked. I put my hand on my belly and said, "Rosie not so hard sweetie you might not know it but it hurts a lot when you kick me." I smiled and heard my door unlock, "Ziva, sweetcheeks I'm home!" I heard Tony yell. I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs and he came into the room and kissed my cheek. He put his hand on my belly and said, "Hey Rosie." He looked back up at me, "I can't wait for her to get here." I laughed, "I can't wait for her to come out, I need sleep even though I'm probably going to get less when she gets here." Tony laughed, "I'll help you it will be fine, I promise." I thought this was so sweet I knew Tony was the only man I'd ever love this much. He began helping me with the baby's room,  "Zi you cant baby proof the world she's gonna be fine." he said as I put baby teething pads on the crib, "I know Tony, I just don't want her to get hurt." He smiled, "I know Zi but you can't protect for from everything her entire life. But same as you I don't want her to get hurt at all. Not even a tiny little paper cut." I laughed, "See were on the same page." he chuckled, "Yea I guess so. Do you want to go help me get the groceries out of the car?" I nodded and set the things down. We went out to the car and Tony insisted that I only carry one bag per hand and he would carry the rest. I came into the house and saw Tony struggling to carry all the bags, "Zi it only takes-" I rolled my eyes and helped him with some bags, "One trip I know Tony." I laughed. He'd been saying this since we'd met. I set the the last of the bags down and suddenly felt a pain near the bottom of my stomach. It didn't feel like a kick, it felt much much worse, "Tony, it hurts a lot. Tony help me please." He came over by me and asked what was wrong. "I think I'm having a contraction, but it hurts a lot Tony. Get the timer and start timing them." he looked really nervous and took me with him to go and get the timer. I was had a contraction every 5 minutes each lasting 30 seconds. Tony had helped me lay down on the couch and was there comforting me, "Zi its fine you're gonna be fine. Is there anything I could do to help is there something I'm supposed to give you?" I forced a smile through the pain and said, "Yea some water would nice but I don't think you can give me anything I think we have to wait until its a contraction every 4 minutes for 1 minute I'm not sure but it hur-" I had another contraction and this one was for a minute Tony ran into the kitchen as fast as he could and got me some water. "Zi I need to take you to the hospital. Do you think you can stand up?" I nodded and tried to get up. It was painful but I didn't want Tony to be more worried than he already was. I walked to the car and had another contraction as soon as I got buckled into the car. I put a hand on my stomach and held Tony's with my other hand. He was going 30 miles past the speed limit and I knew no matter what I told him he wasn't slowing down. We got to the hospital in about 5 minutes at the speed that he was going at and they got me into a wheel chair. They got me into a room with and gave me a pill to numb me for when I had the baby. Tony was sitting next to me looking more worried than ever and I held his hand to try and calm him down, "Tony its gonna be fine there's no need to worry." He looked at me and smiled, "I know I just can't belive I'm gonna be a dad in a couple of hours. We're finally going to have our little ninja running around everywhere."

Tony's POV:

The nurse came in and checked Ziva's heart rate and told us that it was time to have the baby. My heart skipped a beat and I was shaking a little. She left the room and Ziva smiled at me, "We're going to have our baby Tony." I tried to smile but failed as excited and nervous and scared as I was I don't think anyone could ever smile. Five doctors came in about 4 minutes later and Ziva looked like she was in a lot of pain again. It made me more nervous when she was in pain. What if something goes wrong? What if she cant do it what'll happen? I brushed all of the bad thoughts aside and thought about how happy we would be once the baby was here. The doctors got Ziva ready who couldn't stop twisting and turning in pain. I never thought I would see the tough and crazy ninja like this. I  held her hand and kissed her forehead, "Zi think of our baby and how happy we'll be when we get home with the baby and Abby all excited and Gibb's spoiling her like crazy." she laughed and I kissed her hand.

* 50 minutes later*

Ziva was in tears and I held her hand trying to comfort her as much as I could even though I knew it was no use. All of the sudden I heard a baby cry and looked up. The doctors were smiling and said, "Here's your little ninja." I held my arms out to carry her and Ziva smiled at me. I kissed her and wiped the tears off her face. I knelt down so that she could see her too she put her hand on my arms and I realized it was because I was shaking. I kissed Rosie's forehead. She had brown hair and blue eyes. Ziva held her arms out for her to hold her. "Tony its our baby. We have a little baby, shes ours." Ziva kissed my forhead and said, "I love you my little hairy butt." I laughed and said, "I love you too sweetcheeks." The doctors took her over to clean her off and gave Ziva and I a little time to talk. "Zi you did it. We have our little ninja." she laughed, "Tony thank you for coming to Israel for me. None of this would have happened if you hadn't come after me."


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