Chapter 7

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Ziva's POV:

I was so happy to be home again. My real home. I knew my father was pissed because I was with America and not Israel. As much as he wanted me to be a Mossad officer for him I couldn't I was with NCIS this was where I belonged. With Gibbs you acted like more of a father to me than my blood father. This was where I was meant to be. D.C. is where my baby should grow up. Not in Israel. My baby won't have what I had as a childhood. They will grow up the right way. Loved by their parents and not have to learn how to kill someone by the age of 1. Sure we would teach them how to protect themselves but not they way I was taught. It will get to play and be a child. She would watch movies with Tony and I would teach her some ninja moves. I think it would like that. Went over to Bishop and introduced myself, "Bishop I'm Ziva, Ziva David. I was a Mossad NCIS officer." She smiled, "Yea I've heard a lot of good things about you. I'm Ellie Bishop." I smiled I it was kinda weird seeing somebody working in a professional building on the floor. I went and sat down at my old desk since she didn't seem like she really needed it and listen to Mcgee congratulate Tony. He came over to me and hugged me, "We missed you Ziva it's not the same without you." I laughed, "Thank you Mcgee. I missed you guys so much." Gibbs came over to me and asked, "Do you wanna go and straighten things out with Director Vance you know to try and get you back on my team?" "Yea but what about Bishop are you just gonna kick her off the team?" Gibbs smiled, "We'll let the director handle that. God I love my job. I never want to be the director." I laughed, "Trust me Gibbs I know." I grabbed Tony as we went up to the directors office and waited for him to call us in. "Gibbs, David, DiNozzo my office." We went in and stood there quietly while he gave us the stare. "First of all congratulations," he nodded towards Tony and I, "You can imagine why we're here." Gibbs said." The director sat as his desk and nodded again, "Ziva wants to be back on the team doesn't she?" I nodded and the director kept talking. "I think that'd be fine is your team wasn't full and Ziva wasn't pregnant. What do you want me to do with Bishop? She's a pretty good agent." Gibbs shrugged, "Yea but so is Ziva. Wasn't there a team that needed an extra agent?" The director looked at us and said, "I'll see what I can do." And sent is out of the room. Gibbs came over and put an arm around me, "Zi, 'I'll see what I can do' usually means yes." I smiled and hugged him.

Tony's POV:

Gibbs and I both knew that there was nothing to worry about. We went back down to our desks and started chatting I could tell that Zi didn't feel good so we left. "Tony you can just drop me off at your apartment and go back if you want I don't need to be babysat." I smiled and held her hand, "Zi I'm not leaving you alone we just got here." We got to my apartment and took all of our suitcases and things from Israel. We had our hands full. It only takes one trip. I said to myself. We got up to my apartment and that's when I realized that I couldn't get my key, "Zi my keys in my front left pocket can you get it for me?" she put all the weight of the things that were in her arms in one arm and leaned on her back to try and get the key. Once she got it she unlocked the door and I quickly set all my things down to the side and turned around and helped her, "Tony I'm a big girl I can do it." She almost tripped walking in and thats when I took the stuff from her, "Tony what are you doing?!" I set all the stuff down at the side of the door inside the house and turned around and grabbed Ziva around her waist and carried her into the house, "Tony let me go!" she laughed. I carried her into my room and set her down on the bed. I kissed her and then had to let go quickly because the door was still open. I went and shut the door and got on the bed with her. I began tickling her which was probably unexpected by her. I couldn't stop her laugh was just so adorable. "Tony stop. Stop. Tony I need air." She laughed I stopped and gave her some time to breathe, "Zi-" she picked up a pillow and hit me straight in the face. I tried to get through the pillow and too her and got my way. I got to her and started tickling her. "Tony no! I just had you!" We were both laughing and then I remembered that she was pregnant so I stopped. "Wait the baby, I don't wanna hurt the baby. Do you want something to eat?" She rolled her eyes still smiling, "You're gonna be such an over protective dad." I laughed, "No dating until their 21 and the person they date has to be polite and have a good job." She laughed, "Good were on the same page. And yes I'm starving." Okay I'll make a sandwich for us and then we can watch a movie-" she shook her head, "No more movies we can just lie down." "We only watched 1 movie though!" I sounded like a little kid wanting more candy but I loved movies, "Okay fine we can just lay down." Ziva laughed and I went to go make us some sandwiches. We ate our sandwiches and went to lay down on the couch. "Tony I want ice cream. I really want chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate syrup." I looked at her and started laughing. "You're having cravings aren't you?" she blushed, "I don't think I've ever wanted sugar this badly." I laughed, "Do you want me to go get some for us?" She nodded, "Tony can I come with you?" I got up off the couch and helped her up. We got into the car and drove off to go get some ice cream.

I know this was a really bad chapter. Should I just skip to the time when Ziva's gonna have her baby? PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK 😂.

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