Chapter 2

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Okay I think I have wattpad a little more figured out now. I think I know how to post parts and stuff and I know this is weird but thank you to those 3 people viewing and the vote it made me really happy 😊

Chapter 2

Tonys POV:

He stood there looking at me for a few seconds then headslapped me. "Boss I know you're mad but-" he gave me the what's wrong with you look and then spoke, "You could have told me before about this. Why would I be mad at you? I would do the same for Shannon. I'm actually quite surprised on how long it took you." He said calmly. "Well I've been wanting to since I left tel-aviv but I don't know. Maybe she needed time to herself I was giving it to her." He was looking down at his feet this whole time. "Well I can't say that I'm not proud of you for doing all this. Going and getting Ziva and all." I looked up confused. "Boss I don't think I said anything about bringing her with me..." "Dinozzo do you really think I'd believe you if you told me that you were just going for a visit?" It didn't take long for me to come up with an answer "No boss. Do you think I could go home to get some rest for tomorrow?" The elevator doors opened. "I went to get out but he stopped me, "Go get some rest you have a big day ahead of you." I smiled when he said this "Thanks boss!"

Ziva's POV

"Abba what are you doing?" I saw his desk filled with papers which was unusual because of how OCD he was. I didn't hear a response so I quickly went over to him. "Abba!" I looked over his desk again and saw a bottle of wine. "Why do you have to drink all the time!?" I know he couldn't hear me but I just needed to say it. He'd been drinking for quite a while now and I've been trying to get him to stop but he just pushes me away. I tried to carry him to bed but soon realized that no matter how strong I was I couldn't carry him. So I went the easy route and decided to drag him to bed it's not my problem that he drinks all the time. I dragged him to bed and put a pillow and blanket on the floor for him. I left his room and went to mine. I looked at the Israeli necklace around my neck. I had lost my other one which I had searched for, for months but finally knew I wasn't going to get anywhere. My after got me a new one which I took care of the same as the other one. I drifted off to sleep since it was around midnight and dreamed of seeing the team again and being apart of it. But I mainly dreamed of Tony.

Tony's POV:

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't there was so much on my mind. What if she didn't want to see me? What if couldn't find her? What if she's seeing someone? I blocked all of those questions out and told myself "You love her and you're going to get her back and you're not going to let her go." I finally fell asleep.

*10 hours later*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and quickly got dressed. "Today's the day." I said smiling. I was so happy that there was a high chance of me seeing Ziva today. The first place I was obviously going to go to was her father. Although he may not like me much I'm pretty sure he would tell me where she was if I told him I had just come to visit. I got in the car an drove to the airport. Once I got there I got checked for any metal objects, weighed my bags, and I was on my way to Israel by 10 am.

I know it's kind of a bad cliffhanger but I'm off to school so I have to stop I'll try and post a part tomorrow or maybe after I get home from school

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