Sometimes hums a lowly drone,
He will wonder 'round your home.
The sky was clear today and the trees elegantly danced with the gust of the wind. The loud crunching of the dried leaves under her shoe sounded wonderful after every step she took. She remembers this place very well. It was a place she once loved a long time ago. A place where she once was the happiest girl in the world.
Bee turns as she hears a small giggling sound in the distance. She follows the voice until she meet with a small figure. A lonely girl hiding her face against the bark of the tree. Bee recognizes her; the same girl that she's been seeing all this while. Bee slowly walks up behind the little girl to ask her if she is ok and the closer she approached, the louder the girl mumbles as she hides her face in her arms.
"Are you ok?" Bee asks.
The girl finally turns around and it surprises Bee to see that the little girl has a face. Unlike the other days she had met her, this same girl had big blue eyes and a cute button nose. Her lips pretty and plump and her cheeks red from the blood running in her veins.
"Ready or not! Here I come!" The girl shouts and skips along the leafy road.
Bee decides to follow the little girl. Didn't she see her? She was just standing right beside her and the girl didn't even answer her when she asked her a question.
Right out from nowhere, a tall and lanky man in dressed in a black and white suit grabbed the little girl. Bee runs right at them when the girl starts screaming, but then the screams slowly turns into laughter and before Bee could even get to them, she stops when she watches the man and the girl rolling on the dirt and leaves in the midst of a tickle war.
After the game, the man sits down on the ground and the little girl crawls up onto him putting her small arms around his neck. He held her close to him and the little girl lets out a little sigh of content as he cradled her, swaying her side to side. Being in his arms gave her comfort from all the bad things that have happened to her back at home. The little girl pulls away a little, just enough so that they were both looking each other in the eye.
"Am I really your Princess, Yoongi?" The girl asks. Her plump little lips pouted as she waited for him to answer.
"You're my only little Princess." He replies and it makes the little girl smile.
The girl gives him a small and quick peck on the lips and ends up blushing a little. Her little fingers nervously playing with the hair at the end of his neck.
"I love you Yoongi." She confesses and the man smiles down at her as he tucks away the stray hairs behind her ear.
"I love you too, my Princess." He says.
Bee didn't know what happened next or how it happened. Her vision suddenly becomes unfocused and hazy and strangely she suddenly finds herself in a room. It was a room that he had created especially for her when she had officially turned eighteen.
The night fell upon them and the room had turned dark. Right at that moment, it finally came to her and she realises that all this was a flashback of her own memories. Memories that she had locked out from her mind; the ones she was unwilling to remember. The little girl was her, and that man...he was the same man that she met in the library.
Min Yoongi.
Bee turns when she hears a hushed voice from behind her. The same girl, but a little bit older than before was sitting up in her bed with the sheets covering half of her face. Her eyes looked a little frightened but there he was again, unlike the younger Bee he still looked the same; everything about him still beautiful and unaged, just like the first time they had met. And there he was, sitting right at the end of her bed comforting her for whatever reason she was afraid of.
"I miss my mum and dad." She mutters as she plays nervously with the hem of the duvet. Yoongi shakes his head and places a hand on hers.
"You don't miss them Bee. Remember what they did to you? How they neglected you and hurt you? You only have me now." He assures her as he picks up her hand and kisses the back of her palm.
The teenage Bee lies down in her bed. She did miss them very much but he was right, she only has him now.
"Will you always be there for me?" She asks as she eyes him sitting at the end of her bed.
Yoongi nods, but she wasn't satisfied with the response.
"Do you promise?" She asks again, narrowing her eyes at him.
Yoongi doesn't answer this time instead gets up from the bed. For the first time, she watches him take off his black coat and untie his black tie. His knee lands on the bed first resulting in the side of the bed to sink a little as he slowly makes his way on top of Bee. He hovers a little and stays there as he stares down at her. Bee freezes at his gaze and her heart starts to beat even harder. He starts to move in a little closer, just close enough to feel his hot breath on her skin.
"Do I need to prove it to you?" He asks and as his lips moved, they grazed over her lips a little nearly driving her over the edge, resisting the urge to pull him in and to close the gap.
"Please Yoongi." Bee pleads as she tugs at his shirt. She feels uneasy with this new feeling she had for him, pressing her thighs together as she gets this weird feeling in the pits of her guts.
"I want you Yoongi. I want you now."
a/n: Yoongi don't hurt my feelings like this D:

The Slenderman
FanfictionEverything she ever wanted was right here with him, in his perfect little world. Cover by chimchimicorn