18: Pete Wentz Sacks Up

Start from the beginning

Instruments were hung on the walls, various electric guitars from various bands, all ordered by color which made for an aesthetically pleasing wall. Next to them were about four basses, two of them pastel colors (a minty blue and pale purple), one plain black, and one red and black. Except, the body was black and the pickguard was red. It was different, as usually the colors would be inverted, but it looked cool.

There was a drumkit in the center of the back wall,  branded by Pearl, was a metallic red. 

"I'm living at your house now, is that okay?" 

Patrick just laughed.

"Like, really, is that a custom kit?"

Patrick nodded. "Yeah, my dad used to play in a band on drums with co-workers. It was the first instrument I really fell in love with." He shrugged, pausing and when Pete didn't continue speaking, he added on. "It's an older kit, but it still works perfectly. Do you play?"

"Not drums, right now. I sort of want to learn at some point, but I'm just guitar and bass."

"Drums are the best for getting out emotions, I've found." Patrick shrugged. "I don't normally play unless nobody's home."

"Damn. You always sound really good on drums, though," Pete said, pulling up a chair and sitting near the drum kit, but not too close. "Play something."

At this point, Patrick didn't refuse. He liked drumming well enough, and it was just family that he hated drumming in front of. Still, he situated himself behind the kit, testing it out and making sure everything was in tune. He gave it a test with the intro to Mr Brightside before going into something he'd done (partially with the help of Brendon, but that was besides the point). After getting into what felt like about half of it, he abruptly stopped.

Pete, to this, appeared confused. "Why'd you stop?" he asked, straightening out as Patrick messed with the drum sticks.

He'd simply shaken his head. "I dunno, just doesn't feel right. It's missing something." Patrick shook his head, twirling the stick in his fingers. 

"That was it? Felt sort of short."

"I guess we never got around to writing whatever came next."

Pete didn't question it, but shrugged and smiled slightly. "It's fine, I guess. You should finish it some time," he offered, stepping away from the chair. 

"Maybe I will." Patrick exited the basement, Pete tailing after him. He cast one last look at the inverted bass before shutting the door behind him and glancing through the living room window out to the backyard. 

"Holy shit," he'd mumbled aloud. "Nice backyard."

Patrick laughed. "C'mon," he said, opening up the white french doors and heading out. The grass beneath his bare feet crunched softly, a cool feeling as he traveled through and onto the stone brick pathway that at a point later on would circle a large tree. 

Most of the yard had small lantern lights draped along something to keep them up. There was a large grass space to the right, and a view dead center. To the left was an outdoor barbecue with an entertainment center, and a pool just beyond that. Everywhere there was grass, it was trim and a lush, lively green. There was a rose garden along a wall to the right, but...

"My mom is friends with a lot of people...the person that landscaped this needed something to show that he could do a decent job, so he did our house cheap." Patrick shrugged, wandering around the yard at this point.

All Pete could do was tail behind. Yes, his house was probably this nice, if not nicer, but Patrick's home somehow felt more like just that. A home. 

"It looks great." Pete followed Patrick over to the pool, crouching down and testing the water with his fingers. It was cool, but not cold. He straightened out, nudging the smaller boy with a small chuckle. 

Patrick nudged him back, slightly harder but laughing as he did. 

Pete was glad his iPhone Six was with his stuff, because in a (totally- yes, sarcasm intended) unexpected turn of events, the two were tumbling into the pool. Fully clothed, sinking to the bottom of the deep end before Patrick disappeared to the shallow end before Pete could come to the surface. Being soaked in a pool didn't make you all that attractive unless you were a six foot athlete with a golden body that rivals a bachelor contestant. 

Still, Pete ended up over next to Patrick before he took off his shoes and socks and tossed them out of the pool. 

Patrick feigned annoyance, rolling his eyes when Pete came back from removing his shoes. "Dude, what the hell?"

Feeling the color drain from his face, Pete opened his mouth to speak as Patrick moved to get out of the pool before he ended up doubling over laughing halfway to the destination. Now, Pete could feel his face getting heated, which led him to go under and drag Patrick down with him. Upon re-emerging, they ended up laughing. Silence was present for a long moment, but Pete broke it with something that he almost couldn't believe he was saying.

"Look, I know you said that you didn't want to date for awhile, Patrick, but..." Pete was silent for a minute. "But I want to take you out. It's practically a new year, and..."

Patrick was quiet for a moment. Yes, he was intrigued by Pete, but he wasn't thirsty. Nor was he entirely over Brendon, as fucking stupid as that sounded. But, he supposed it made sense, Brendon was his first real boyfriend. And Pete displayed a genuine interest in him that gave Patrick enough trust in him to think that he wouldn't get his heart broken. He didn't love Pete, but maybe he would find himself falling quickly as he usually did.


"And...yeah. I wanna take you out. Do you wanna?"

For being a wordsmith, Pete could be incredibly awkward with talking. It was somewhat endearing. "Yeah, sure."

Still in the pool, Pete found himself growing closer to Patrick. Carefully coiling his arms around the small boy, he gazed down into Patrick's eyes. They were hard to explain, Pete found himself lost in the hazel. Though it had been awhile since he kissed another boy, Pete found himself leaning in and pressing his lips gently to Patrick's.

Yet, the small boy waited a minute before he wound up taking control. Pete tasted salty, mostly because the pool was salt water, but otherwise Patrick was slightly curious to know about what he tasted like otherwise. Patrick took the chance to deepen it, straightening out to make himself slightly taller and keeping his arms around him.

It was odd to Patrick how easy it was to lose himself in the act of making out with Pete. He wasn't entirely sure he was even interested in Pete romantically yet, but it was so easy to just make out with him- tongue and all. Pulling away gently, he looked up at Pete though still held against him, panted softly through slightly parted lips. Patrick's head ended up resting on Pete's sopping chest, the two still standing in the shallow end of the pool.

"Is this a salt water pool?" Pete inquired.

Patrick, with this, laughed. "Yeah, it is."

- - - - - -

rightyo gang listen the fuck up

so lemme run the basic plot for the sequel to this fic down (ik i'm like halfway through this one, but like chill i like to write backwards sometimes);; so patrick's in an unhappy relationship, struggling with addictions to numerous substances and a dark depression after the failure of his solo project. i guess it's mostly about getting the gang back together for save rock and roll, but like theres relationship problems / trouble in paradise with the relationship he's in.

interested? i wanna know. (there will be plotholes but i'm too lazy to fix them tbh until later)

<3 you guys moar than kanye loves kanye, votes and comments are much appreciated xoxo

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