Chapter 21 Terrified

Start from the beginning

"Answer me." He growls.

"Y-you said n-not to wander a-around and to s-stay with you a-at all times." I say softly through the tears.

"And you didn't listen." He slaps me again harder than the first time and I feel my lip split open and I can taste the blood flowing from it. I sob and try to get away, but he just pulls me closer to him.

"Are you going to listen next time?" He says, his voice softer but still angry.

I nod, the flow of tears not slowing.

"Good. I don't like doing hurting you but you keep disobeying. If you would only listen I wouldn't have to hurt you."

He reaches towards me and I whimper softly, flinching. He sighs and pulls his hand back.

"Darling I'm sorry. I let my anger get the best of me, please let me help you with your lip."

I shake my head, moving away.

"Okay, okay. But, if you decide you want my help just tell me okay?" He doesn't wait for me to respond before leaving the room.

I curl up in the bed, crying myself to sleep.




Lucas stands before me, his face contorted in anger. He raises the knife, getting ready to plunge it into me.

'Please don't! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" He grins wickedly and thrusts the knife down. Just as it is about to go through my heart, I scream.

I sit straight up in bed, a warm pair of arms grab me and I'm pulled into a hard, warm body.

"Shh shh shh darling, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." Lucas says. Wait Lucas? I scream, pushing him away.

"Please don't kill me! I'm really sorry! Just please, please don't kill me!" I scramble away from him, falling off the bed and hitting my head hard on the floor.

I cry out in pain, holding my head. He rushes over picking me up and holding me to him tightly.

"Oh God princess. Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me. I'm so sorry darling. I didn't mean for this to happen."

He strokes my hair and keeps muttering 'I'm sorry's' over and over again. Tears flow silently down my face. Instead of trying to get away from him I let him hold me.

He picks me up, carrying me to the bed and lays me down. "I'm going to clean up your lip okay? And put some ice on your head."

I don't answer and he leaves the room. Next thing I know, he's back with an ice pack and a wet rag. He walks over, sitting next to me and I flinch. He sighs softly and looks down.

"I really am sorry darling." He says sadly.

I say nothing and he reaches towards me slowly, grabbing my face in one hand softly and using the rag to gently clean my lip with the other.

He rubs my lip softly and I flinch back. He winces "Sorry darling, but I have to do this or it will get infected."

He continues cleaning it and then makes me lie down, with the ice back under my head, on the spot I hit. I try to get up, but he gently pushes me back down.

"Darling, stay laying down okay?"

"I want to take a shower." I say softly.

"You just took one earlier."

"Yeah but I got blood all over me from my lip." I argue.

He sighs. "Fine, but only stay in there for fifteen minutes, no longer."

I nod and stand up. I get a little dizzy, stepping backwards.

"Woah." Lucas grabs me. "Do you need help walking to the bathroom?"

I sigh and nod, knowing he won't leave me alone till I agree.

He helps me up and walks me to the bathroom.

"Hold on I'll get you some clothes to wear." He leaves and comes back a couple of minutes later with underwear, one of his shirts and a pair of shorts.

"Can't I wear my own shirt?" I ask.

He gives me a look. "No, the holes for your head are too small on your shirts and may hurt you so you'll wear one of mine. No ifs ands or buts about it."

I sigh. "Fine. Now get out, please."

He leaves and I get in the shower, washing the blood off me. I try to wash my hair, but my head hurts too much so I just get out. I put on the clothes, the shirt covering a lot of my 5'2 frame.

It comes to a little bit above my knee. I look in the mirror, I look ridiculous. I walk out of the bathroom to find Lucas sitting on the bed his head in his hands. He looks up when I walk out and his eyes darken with lust.

I gulp audibly and take a small step back. He shakes himself out of it and stands.

"Come get into bed darling." He gets me settled, kisses me on the forehead, and then goes to leave the room.

"You're not staying?" I ask.

"No, I thought it'd be best if I stayed in the guest room, I didn't think you'd want to be near me. Do you want me to stay?" He asks hopefully.

I hesitate should I? I mean he hit me, twice. But, he did say sorry. Then again, he has hurt me a lot. But, he always apologizes and he's taken care of me.

Ugh. This shouldn't be so hard! I should be able to look him in the eyes and say no, but for some reason, I can't. I must have hit my head harder than I thought. He looks so hopeful and happy.

I sigh softly, barely audible and mutter. "You can, but you have to stay on your side of the bed. No physical contact."

He looks so happy. "Thank you darling! Thank you so much! I promise, I'll stay on my side of the bed and won't touch you at all."

He strips down to his boxers and I cover my eyes. "Put some clothes on!"

He chuckles. "Nope. I'm sleeping like this."

I groan and face away from him. I feel him climb into bed and shut off the light. "Goodnight darling, I love you."

"Night." I reply, yawning. It doesn't take long before I fall asleep.




I wake up the next morning with warm arms wrapped around me. I try to move, but the arms curl tighter around me. I twist around trying to get up, but the arms just curl tighter and tighter around me.

I grab an arm, trying to peel it off me and I hear Lucad groan. "Princess go back to sleep."

I huff and keep struggling. "I have to use the bathroom let me up." I squirm around some more until he finally lets me up and I run to the bathroom.

I come out a few minutes later and he is spread out over the bed, there isn't even a place for me to sit down. I sigh and sit on the floor by the bed, I don't want a repeat of yesterday. 

My stomach grumbles loudly and I realize that I didn't eat anything yesterday. I get up and shake him lightly, he stirs but doesn't wake up. I shake him harder and whisper. "Lucas wake up."

He groans and rolls away. i grab a pillow and hit him lightly with it. "Come on Lucas, wake up." I hit him a couple more times, until he finally wakes up.

He sits up and looks at me, unamused. "Why'd you wake me up? I was having a great dream!" 

"I'm hungry, I didn't eat anything yesterday."

His eyes widen. "Oh crap darling. Come on, let's go get you something to eat."

Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter and have an amazing day! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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