After Mathis slammed the door shut I walked into his arms. His arms tightened around me when I started moving around. But the moment was broken when Killer's phone rang. Leaving the guys to what was undoubtedly club business, I headed into the kitchen to see what we would need. I was pleasantly surprised to see we had ever kitchen equipment with another note from Marco.

Aria,know how much you like tying new recipes. Got you everything you would need and more to make up for how mother reacted.

Arms wrapped themselves around me and when I turned there was Mathis with a grim looking expression. "Aria the club got another riddle and this one seems harder than the last ones. Would you mind helping?"

"I'm not going over there. They can send a picture of the riddle and I'll relay the answers over the phone." I told him. Fortunately he didn't argue and went to tell Killer what I said.

Tick tock goes the clock

Tick tock goes the Belle

Tick tock the clock has stopped

Tick tock I'm coming out of the dark

Tick tock you better protect Belle.

They really are stupid. This was the easiest riddle ever, Mathis comes and pulls me in the living room where I hear Killer on the phone with Blade. "How is Ariabelle? She wasn't looking so good this morning." I rolled my eyes at that comment.

When has he ever cared. "She's good for now, needs to be away from the club for a little bit. Dad what was up with the club surrounding her? She's helped us with these riddles but I gotta say when she explained the riddles they seemed like easy explanation."

"She reminds me of someone. All that sass she gives everyone brings back memories I've blocked out."

"Why did you block the memories dad?"

"Some of those memories aren't good son. Anyways has Mathis' wife figured out the riddle yet?"

"Dad her name is Ariabelle, not Mathis' wife. Please learn it and try to respect her." Killer looked up just then and noticed us. "Ariabelle is here now, let's see what she has to say."

"Well Ariabelle what does this new riddle say." Blade asks.

"I don't know whether this is the last riddle or not but it's the last three lines you need to worry about. Your time has ran out and whoever is sending the riddles is coming for you also the riddle states that this mystery person will be going after Belle. He or she puts Belle's name in there twice so that probably means that they're going to use her to get to you."

"But I don't know anyone named Belle." Blade states.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at that statement. I guess eleven years with me were that bad if he forgot his own daughter. I mean hell he's the one that started calling me Belle. "Blade it might be someone from your past, someone you don't remember or probably even forgot. But you need to remember fast because the riddler hasn't let us know when he'll be showing his face. And you need to be prepared."

After I said that I hung up Killer's phone and and laid down on the sofa.I can feel both their eyes on me and I know they're worried. But right now I just need some peace and quiet, so I need both of them out of the house for a couple of hours. Cause I know with those two hanging around they'll be more worried about me than about the club. "Go you two, go to the clubhouse and figure this shit out. After that phone call with Blade and him not remembering me I just need some time alone."

Mathis looked like he didn't want to leave me but Killer understood and grabbed Mathis and walked out of the house. When I heard the truck engine started and get less away from the house the house I felt I could finally breathe. It has been a hectic couple of days and I feel like I haven't had the time to decompress what has happened to me. To believe all this happened because I took a business trip turned bad at Las Vegas. Most people think that it is happening too fast and within a couple of days but in the mafia and biker/MC lifestyle you need to grab ahold of what's in front of you and not let go. Because these two lifestyles are dangerous and you never know when it would be your last day.

I know my mother is worried and hurt. But she needs to get over it and accept Mathis. I never expected her to disown me, I never in my wildest dreams thought she would do that. She never even gave me a chance to talk when she called and make her see that Mathis is nothing like my father. I practically raised myself the two years after my father left and before she met Alanzo. So how could she tell me that I don't make good decisions? When she was working double shifts at the hospital and Gabe was with his gang I was the one at the house by myself. I was the one who made myself dinner and them for whenever they got home, I was the one who cleaned house and did the laundry. I was the one who was by myself almost twenty-four/seven.

My family has no right to judge who I'm with and which lifestyle I choose. I feel like the only person in my family who understands is Marco. Marco made sure I was never alone at the house while our parents were dating. He made sure I was safe and now Mathis and Killer are doing the same. I know I can count on those three to understand me and what I need. I don't need my life to be the center of attention but from time to time I do need someone there for me so I don't feel as alone as I did between the ages of eleven to thirteen. But with everything going on right now I feel like I need my whole family but because of my mother I can't even get any comfort from my family.

I feel so pissed and betrayed at my mother. She had no right to turn her back on me just because of her past. My past is different and my mother and Gabe have never known what happened to me to make me suspicious when it comes to who I give my trust too. It hurts to know that when I need Gabe and my mother the most that they were too busy. They didn't even know that anything had happened to me. I'm surprised no figured out that the riddles started when I came around or that the riddles are about me, I mean hello my name is Ariabelle. And those riddles are sounding so familiar, I can't stop feeling like I've read riddles like those before but I can't remember.       

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ