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2 months later.

Klaus's pov
We built a school. We have sent out letters to supernaturals. Well my hybrids did. We have sorted everything out and Mia is going to start school although if Kol gives her anymore alcohol she might drop out and party with him forever.

Mia grew out her hair and wanted to be able to go to any class and that's okay with the me. We start school today and I'm already the most feared teacher.

I got in my class and the bell rang. Wolfs and hybrids filled the room set for 300 people. I was about to close the door when Mia ran in with her new book. Elijah has been teaching her to read and right now she's reading 'Oliver twist' by Charles dickens. She sat down on the front and put her homemade bookmark in it. She closed the book and smiled looking up at me.

I was teaching them how to shift on command. Since I'm king I have the power to change the supernatural routine. So I gave werewolves the power to change whenever. We went outside and Mia smiled about to change but I told we 'no'. She pouts but then smirks showing she truly is my daughter. As the class was struggling to shift she leaped in the air and shifted into her golden pup. She howled at the class and they looked surprised "okay if the youngest can do it so can you 16- 23 year olds " I say and they all start to shift.

After shifting we ran three laps. When we were done Mia shifted and left.

Mia's pov

After running with daddy I went to unky ijahs room. He is teaching literature. It's reading.

I walked in the classroom and they were talking about moby dick. I found an empty seat next to a brunette and sat down. I raise my hand as unky ijah was saying big words. "Yes" he says looking at me "what do pefidionessess means?" I ask "perfidiousness means betrayal of a trust" he tells me and I nod " that's why little kids should stick to colouring" a mean girl said and I pout. My eyes well up and I start to cry. She's a meanie. I no wanna go school anymore. I heard gasps and felt arms pick me up. "It's okay Mia. Do you wanna come to my class?" Unky Ric asked and I nod.

He took me to his room and placed me on his lap as he sat down. "Okay. We are learning about defensive positions so everyone get a partner and head outside." Ric tells them and they get up. I was left without a partner and frowned "hey, you wanna be my partner?" A older guy asked and I nod.  We got in positions and started the lesson.

After that they went back to class to learn more but I went to uncle Dammy's  room. "Okay so once your in control you can feed. You do three simple steps-" I cut him off "Dammy" I scowl and he sighed "okay never mind. You can sneak into hospitals and steal their blood supplies or you can compel women to cut themselves and put their blood in a cup for your drinking convenience. Is everyone in here able to control there thirst?" He asked and they nod. "Great today we are going to feed and keep your victims alive " he  said. I got up and ran out of the room.

Bonnie! Magic time. I go to her class and sit down with the others. Everyone here is older than me but I'm fine. I sit down and Bonnie started to make a dead flower come back. We all tried and I created multiple flowers and made them grow so high they touched the sealing then I used my magic to reverse it and it slowly turned back to a seedling. Everyone was shocked and watching me. I got scared and ran out.

I was in the garden and it was filled with dead flowers so I had a great idea. I made them grow really high and creat a pathway. I made paints appear and made the stones into smooth rocks for the pathway then started to paint them.

I used the bigger rocks for the pathway and smaller ones for decoration. I placed the turtle in front of the garden with another stop painted say 'remove shoes'. I heard someone walk and saw uncle Kol. "It's beautiful honey. It's almost break what do you wanna do?" He asked "I wanna play but I don't have any friends" I tell him.

Kol took me to his class and there was a boy my age "you a vampire?" I ask "no I'm Jay a heritic" he said and I gasp hugging him. "You my best friend now and I yours" I tell him and grab his hand. I take him to the secret place in the middle of the flowers and he pulls out his lunch and a blood bag. "I try some?" I ask him and he puts it in a cup. I drink some and it tasted good then I give him the cup "tank you" I say and he smiled he drank the cup and pulled out his lunch he had a meat sandwich. "Wanna split my?" I ask and he nods. I took out small containers from my Barbie backpack. One was salad and the other was spaghetti. We ate it together and I shared my chocolate milk.

After that I held his hand and we walked out "did the teacher make this?" He asked referring to my garden "no I did" I tell him and he looked amazed. "Teach me pease" he said and I nod. I took a random seed from my bag and put it in the ground. I gave him my necklace "use energy fom me" I say and he put his hand on the ground closed his eyes. A tree grew and twisted to make a pretty wooden door and the tree spread surrounding the garden. I took a stone and wrote Jay + Mia Fo3nvr and surrounded it with a heart.

I held his hand and we walked back to school. We walked around the halls and talked. We were laughing when I heard a door open it was uncle Tyler. He looked at Jay and I and smirked shaking his head. He went back in class and Jay and I practiced magic. Jay was about to give me my gold necklace with a heart on it that read love but I told him to keep it.

After school his parents picked him up but he gave me a kiss on the cheek. My family saw and my aunts smiled and said 'aww' while my dad and uncles looked like they were mad and all in protective stances read to attack him as if planning his murder already.

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