Taehyung looks to his brother for confirmation on this. Jimin shakes his head - ‘It’s not really’.

"Hate to think how much cholesterol there is in these things.", says Yon.

"Bit of butter never hurt anyone.", argues Jae.

"Tell that to Vicar Oddie, love."

× Graveyard ×

Vicar Oddie’s funeral is coming to a close.
Six loyal parishioners from church and the members of the parish council Duncan, Pearl and Namjoon have turned up. Hoseok is there. Sombre. Respectful.
Jungkook and one of his EX HVF mates are bolting down an iron guard over the fresh grave plot. It looks peculiar.

"What’s that?", asks someone.

"It’s what he would’ve wanted. Just
in case second rising happens and
he pops up. As if.", answers Pearl.

"It’s a very sensible measure.
Second rising’s coming. Read your
Bible.", says a loyal parishioner.

× Jin's bungalow | Kitchen ×

A makeshift neurotriptyline lab has been constructed in the kitchen.
Jin goes to the fridge. Inside are home made bottles of the medication that were prepared earlier and plastic storage tubs filled with pieces of some kind of meat.
Jin reaches inside and grabs one of the bottles.

× Jin's bungalow | Living room ×

The living room has been turned into a mini ULA base. Yoongi's ULA flag has been hung on the wall alongside a map of Roarton with green pins stuck in it.
Yoongi is listening to Jeonghan (16) the school boy we met with Seungkwan in the canteen. Jeonghan is bashful as he talks. But Yoongi has a way of listening to you that makes you feel at ease, as if you’re the only person on the planet.

"Sorry. It’s just my mum and dad
don’t like me talking about it.", says Jeonghan.

"That’s okay. Take your time.", replies Yoongi.

Jin enters with the injector. He goes over to Yoongi and prepares him for his shot.

"I remember bits and pieces. Lots of it’s hazy."

"You don’t remember the night of The Rising?"

"I remember it being...I remember
hearing thunder.", answers Jeonghan.

Jin gives Yoongi his shot. He slightly shudders, used to

"Cracks of lightning."

"Thank you.", he says to Jin and then to Jeonghan, "It was a wild night, wasn’t it?"

The young boy nods his head.

"I know other... (making sure he calls them the right name)
redeemed get flashbacks, but I
don’t get those much. Sorry Yoongi."

"Hey, no worries. You did great.
Thanks for trying."

Jeonghan nods, stands up and exits. Yoongi sighs, gets up and goes to the map.

"Is he special?", asks Jin.

"He rose in Roarton, of course.", answers Yoongi.

"Special as me?"

Yoongi looks at him and smiles a ‘don’t be silly’ smile.

"Going somewhere?", he asks, noticing that Jin is wearing his pink jacket.

"I’m gonna try and stop a certain
Roarton riser from leaving."

"Tell him he doesn’t have to leave.
We’re gonna change things around
here. He’s important.", says Yoongi.

"Course he’s important. He’s my


"Best Dead Friend Forever."

"What does that make me?"

"Makes you something else, Mr.
Disciple.", answers coyly Jin.

× Park House | Hallway ×

Yon is hugging Jimin tightly. Taehyung and Jae stand either side.

"You got your passport?", asks Yon.

"Yep.", answers Jimin.

"And your map to your accommodation?"

"I’ve got it all, Mum. I double

"Okay. I’ll stop fussing.", finally says Yon.

Jae comes up to Jimin and gives him a hug.

"Call the minute you land?"

"I will, Dad."

Jimin turns to his brother.

"Reviens bientôt.", says Taehyung who learnt it especially.

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