Epilogue - The Beginning of the Future

Start from the beginning

Today, two becomes one.

Today, I marry the love of my life.

Today, I marry my soulmate.


"I adore you, husband." I sway in Rex's strong arms, swaying with the rush of love I feel for him and swaying to the music that loudly cocoons us. I am euphorically happy. I am finally married to the man who has always had my heart. He is mine and I am gloriously now his.

Bringing his caressing hands down to my lower back, Rex gorgeously grins with a quirked brow. "Are you drunk, Mrs Ford?"

Giggling, I throw my arms around his neck. "A little, but a whole lot more drunk on you." Then I kiss my handsome husbands' lips, I kiss them in a crashingly clumsy way because I giddily feel so happy and in love.

Rex pulls me closer against him, holding me tight and kissing me deep. With our lips immersed in each other's—we kiss until we need to take a breath. Sighing deeply and resting his forehead softly against mine, Rex whispers something so faintly exhilarating. "Time with you, Angel...forever just isn't going to be enough for me." His hands then come caressingly up to my face, needing to adore them with his felicitous fingers. "I love you so much. More than I can actually say."

All at once, the most beautiful of all human emotions hit me. Love. Trust. Respect. Admiration. Bliss. Contentment. Faithfulness. Joy. Adoration. Lust. Desire. Gratitude. Devotion. Hope. Honour. Dedication. Each and every one of them belongs to Rex. He deservedly owns them all. Each of those beautiful emotions satisfyingly rush through me, leaving me completely overwhelmed in his secure and protective arms. "Please just kiss me or I'm going to cry." I quietly plead with my voice already jagged, joyously jagged.

So Rex kisses me. Consumingly kisses me whilst my emotions wildly run through my blissfully happy body. Our mouths devotedly entwine, just as our hearts do. We passionately kiss, swaying to the music and losing ourselves amidst all of our happiness. As our kiss delicately ends, we remain intimately close; still romantically dancing. "Has that kiss done the trick?" Rex confidently asks, looking deliciously oh so smug.

Snuggled against his chest, I sedately nod with a serene smile firmly upon my far less plummy lips. "Yes." My dulcet reply is marinaded in the sweetest of satisfaction as I snuggle in closer against my sexy husband.

"Rex?" Elizabeth looks apprehensive as she warily approaches us. "Can I have a quick word with you both?" She nervously smiles at me before looking back at her very content son.

"What's up, Mum?" Rex asks, still holding me firmly against him.

"I've just had a phone call. It's Jonathan. He's dead. He commit suicide in prison." She speaks ever so quietly, her eyes flitting between Rex and I.

Taking hold of my hand, Rex is gently direct with his mother. "Do you care?"

With a flint of indifferent coldness reflecting in her unfeeling green eyes, Elizabeth is quick with her honest response. "No."

Stroking my hand with his thumb and leaning forward to kiss Elizabeth on her forehead, Rex quietly answers. "Neither do I." The chill to his calm voice quickly leaves him and is replaced with the warmest of affectionate smiles. "Now go and enjoy yourself, Mum. This is just his final attempt to sabotage our happiness." And just like that, the death of his father is easily pushed aside; dismissed without a second thought.

Elizabeth strokes both of our arms in a maternal and thoughtful way before doing just as her son had sweetly asked—returning to the enjoyment of our wedding day. Then Rex slowly turns and holds me once again. I look into his green spheres and can hear his silent voice and all of his silent thoughts. With only a loving gaze down at me, I knew that he was telling me that this was our day. That his father's final and withered attempt to spoil it, is now just as cold as he now is.

Resting my head on his chest, I say nothing...because right at this moment, no words needed to be said. As man and wife, we dance within our silent and matrimonial bubble. Inside of it, it's just Rex and I. Within our loving bubble, we breathe in only the happiest of air. As the song we have just danced to comes to a slow and fading end, Rex whispers something into my ear. "Lets slip out for a bit and practice making lots of Ford babies?"

I draw back, pleasantly surprised. "Lots of Ford babies?" My smile becomes wider as I look up at him with a twinkle in my very eager eye.

Rex shrewdly grins, holding me closer against his sexily suited self. "Well, I have my eye on a four bedroomed house, so those four bedrooms will need filling." He delicately rubs his mouth against mine, igniting me from within. "How about it Mrs Ford?" He covetously asks in a deeply rich and erotic voice as he pushes himself against me. "Practice makes perfect." His grin becomes wickedly crooked, his green spheres now brightly bold. "Say yes?"

Without even needing to think about it, out pops my arousingly keen answer. "Yes!"

Rex tenderly threads his fingers with mine on my left hand and leads the way with a thoroughly satisfied smirk. With elated feet, we are a giddy pair as we quickly leave the room, laughing along with each other.

You see, this really is our day.

A day that the two of us have had to wait a very long and painful time for. So I will eagerly now go wherever my husband goes. Because we are now whole. He is the other half of me and I am the other half of him. We are finally complete. We defeated Jonathan Ford and we defeated Zeus.

This is us.

This is who Rex and I now are.

So our excited selves hurry towards our future, we hurry towards it with the biggest of smiles that we can happily wear. Because we deserve such a happy future. Everyone deserves such a happy future. Now that Rex and I now have ours, I am sure our story will bring hope to those who are patiently waiting for theirs. Happiness can sometimes get heartbreakingly lost, but if it's truly yours to have, it will find its way back to you.

That is what happened to us.

It will also happen for you.

The End


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