Chapter 3

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Well, hello people. It's chapter 3 now~ This chapter killed me so hard at first. I had to tell myself repeatedly that I managed to do half-completed smut before and this was nothing. And I've been sort of influenced by this incredibly good author who weaves beautiful metaphors like its nothing.. Though my attempt most likely failed. Ah well.

Okay, enough of my rant, on with the story!


“I’m fine by myself!”

“Now, now, you know that you’re someone living on the streets. How can I be sure you can clean yourself off properly?”

“I can!” The boy hissed, his two hands clenching the two layers of cloth protectively around him.

“Are you sure?” The older man’s voice was full of doubt. “I’m sure you don’t even know if you cleaned all the dirt off. Another pair of eyes would be better.”

Ezreal glared, holding his ground in front of the bathroom.

Jerron sighed. “Fine. I’ll let you shower by yourself but if you didn’t manage to wash all the dirt off, you’ll go in again with me helping you this time, alright?”

Pressing his lips into a thin line, he gave a rigid nod before stomping into the bathroom and slamming the door right in the older man’s face.

He blinked at the closed door. The kid was hard to handle. It wasn’t like showing a bit of skin to the person who gave him a home to stay is something unreasonable. It was nothing compared to being raped and whatnot. And besides, Jerron was sure that Ezreal wouldn’t be able to wash all that dirt off. Too much of the mud had been stuck on his hair.

He was about to turn and walk out when he finally looked down to see a set of clothes still in his grasp. Ezreal had forgotten to take it in. He debated on whether to knock on the door to inform him. Listening to the gush of running water on the other side of the door, he decided not to.

After all, it would be amusing.


The older man was watching the news, feeling utterly bored when Ezreal came out. The boy was still wrapped in the red blanket and was strangely darting his eyes around anywhere that wasn’t Jerron.

Jerron pretended not to notice while Ezreal shifted his weight nervously. Jerron continued facing the flashing television screen, acting very interested in the contents of the news, until the boy coughed loudly. The older man turned slowly to meet the pair of brown eyes and smiled.

“Done with your shower?”

The boy didn’t reply and stared at the floor.

“The red blanket—”

“I forgot about the change of clothes,” the boy cut off his words loudly, the tips of his ears turning pink with this declaration.

Jerron blinked. Well, he expected a more violent reaction. Something along the lines of ‘You did it on purpose’ or whatnot.

He kept his voice smooth. “Is that so?”


“Well, that might be better for me.” He got up and approached the uncertain figure. “It’s time to see whether you’ve passed the cleanliness test, isn’t it?” He put on a wide smile as he gazed down on the motionless boy.

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