Chapter 8 - Rahul

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Chapter 8 - Rahul

‘If everything goes well, we can reach the Vedakayan tribes by tomorrow,’ said Medhi studying the map from her necklace.

‘That’s good, sister,’ Veer nodded. ‘And well done today.’

‘Thanks, brother, but you did your share more than well too.’

 Medhi, Arundi and Veer were now in hill country. They had stopped for the night in front of a stream. Arundi was practicing at the stream, while Medhi and Veer sat and chatted at where they set their camp. Medhi lit a fire easily with her powers. However there was no threat from any wild animals as they were travelling with a lion.

‘First we should concentrate on obtaining the antidote… they we have to save Radeesh Ayya and others!’ Medhi reminded again and again in distress. Radeesh had led them so far and Medhi missed his guidance. Strangely, she missed his arrogant and indifferent attitude very much too.

‘Relax, sister… you can do this, I mean we all can… we have to!’ Veer spoke soothingly.

Medhi nodded firmly. ‘I’d better start to practice something to prove myself to Vedakayans!’

When Arundi stepped out of water at last, Medhi was meditating attentively. Then latter had to convince her friend that she was not the reason for the capture of others and console her. Two friends discussed the future plans and after some time Arundi fell asleep, cuddling to Veer. Medhi resumed her meditation and she only paused for an hour before dawn.

Early in the morning they broke the camp. Medhi took a quick bath, dressed and packed to leave, while Arundi was in water.

As she shouldered her knapsack, thinking that they should economize since most of their provisions were left behind with the others, Medhi froze suddenly.

‘What is it, sister?’

‘Shh… I heard something!’ Medhi pressed her finger to her lips and cautioned.

‘Yeah, somebody’s coming this way!’ she confirmed after a few minutes of vigilant listening.

Veer took a whiff. ‘Humans!’

‘Could it be that wicked prince again?’ Medhi glanced at her brother, not liking the idea of facing Ashen again. They had been lucky once to escape, but Medhi did not want to press it too far.

Veer raised his shaggy eyebrows dubiously. Medhi grabbed her sword and called Arundi.

‘What?’ Arundi emerged from water.

‘Some one’s coming.’

‘Oh dear! Pass me the frail!’ Arundi rose with a water current, knowing she could do better from where she was. Medhi threw her weapon and braced herself. Veer stood beside her, which was a great comfort since she missed her own brother at her other side.

‘When Radeesh Ayya is around I can even lose with confidence!’ she pouted in silence.

A group of people appeared anon. On the first glimpse they looked somewhat like Asathu forest tribe men, but a second look was enough to confirm that they were from an entirely different civilization. Their features as well as their dress spoke this difference.

‘Who are they?’ Arundi, who had fully expected to see Ashen and his friends charging, lowered her weapon in bewilderment.

Before Medhi could reply the strangers put flutes in their mouths. She saw tiny arrows flying from them. Arundi and Veer both fell unconscious as soon as they were hit by the darts. Medhi evaded the first few, but as all aimed her in unison she failed. Before she summoned her shield one came and struck on her arm too and she staggered.

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