Chapter 6 - Battle at the harbour

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Chapter 6 - Battle at the harbour

‘We are at the edge of the forest,’ Seevali landed in front of Radeesh, Medhi and Arundi.

‘We were really fast, weren’t we?’ Bodhi fell right behind Seevali, questioning gleefully.

It was two days after they began their expedition. Children had maintained a steady pace throughout and all was going smoothly according to Radeesh’s plan.

On the way he filled them with more information about Dhamchacra planet and taught them how to use their weapons at an emergency. In return the other’s related him all the news of Earth and especially about his mother.

Everybody looked tired. Only Medhi felt that she could run a few more miles without any effort. Her body was roaring with new found energy.

 ‘Ayya, where are the lions?’ she looked at her brother, who was listening carefully.

‘They aren’t nearby. I have to roar and see whether they are within hearing. Our roaring can be heard from eight kilometers off, you know.’

‘Oh, stop boasting and do it!’ Bodhi rolled her eyes dramatically.

‘You three might want to take a step back and cover your ears,’ Radeesh warned the three girls. They burst into giggles, assuming that he was exaggerating.

‘Aaah! Show off! Like we could get affected by a yell of a stupid boy! Just get it over with!’ Bodhi flicked her fingers dismissively.

Radeesh flashed a wicked grin and opened his mouth to dispatch the most fightful roar of a lion, which blasted the three girls back and made them clasp their hands over their ears.

‘Brothers, are you around? We’re here already! ... Where the hell are you?’ Medhi understood her brother easily.

She heard another roar in distance anon. ‘Relax brother, we’ll be there in a sec!’

‘Hurry! This is an emergency!’

‘We know. That’s why we are in our top gear,’ answered another flippant roar. There were two lions.

‘And is our sister with you?’ inquired the first lion. There roars were rapidly closing in.

‘Yes, she is here,’ Radeesh gave a wary glance Medhi.

‘Why is she silent?’ demanded the second lion.

‘She’s new to this, so give her a break. She’ll speak soon enough.’

‘Can’t wait to meet her at last,’ the first lion sounded very excited.

‘We’ll be there in the blink of the eye,’ second one reassured.

Radeesh relaxed his roaring stance.

‘That was some roaring, Radeesh,’ Arundi had her hand on her heart.

‘I have to admit, you are really good! My head is still spinning from that ghastly noise!’ called Bodhi, supporting her head with both hands.

Radeesh’s eyes gleamed condescendingly, their expression a crystal clear ‘I told you so!’

‘They are almost here,’ whispered Medhi, her attention intent upon the beating of the padded paws on the ground.

‘Who?’ Seevali raised an eyebrow.

‘The lions!’ brother and sister replied in unison.

‘You are sure they won’t eat us, right?’ Arundi put a step back simultaneously.

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