Chapter 2: The Uninvited

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Tikki woke up laying on Marinette's bed. She flew down to Marinette who was sitting at her desk working on something.

"Marinette what's that?" Tikki asked yawning.

"You know how Chat Noir reminded me about my birthday. Well I decided that I want to have a party this year. Right now I'm making the invitations."

Tikki was now interested. She peered over Marinette's shoulder to watch as Marinette hand made every invitation.

"I already asked my mom and she said I can. Although I've never had a birthday party before Tikki. I've always been too busy for a party and I just never seemed interested in having one before. So I don't know what a perfect birthday party is supposed to be like." Tikki suddenly started to giggle.

"What?" Marinette said. Now curious to find out what her kwami could possibly be laughing about.

"So Chat Noir changed the entire way you celebrate your birthday?" Tikki said with a smirk.

"I-I just want to have a party this year. Chat Noir just reminded me that my birthday is in two weeks." Tikki's grin grew as Marinette kept talking. "Tikki, stop looking at me like that! No more comments I have to go to school now." Marinette shoved her invitations into her backpack and Tikki flew into her purse.

. . .

So far this school day was just as boring as any day. Marinette had given out most of her invitations for her birthday party. She invited everyone in her class except for Chloe. Now all Marinette needed was some inspiration for a dress. A dress that she could wear to her party. She sat at the edge of the steps of the school with her sketchpad out and ready to design. But Marinette was completely out of ideas.

Marinette put her face into her hands with a moan. "Tikki, I have no idea what to do for a dress. What would you wear?" Mainette asked hoping for an answer to her problem.

Tikki rose from Marinette's shoulder and flew in front of her. "Marinette, I'm a kwami. I don't wear clothes. And if I did, they would probably all be ladybug themed."

"I can't have a ladybug themed dress Tikki. That might give me away."

"I know that Marinette. But remember inspiration is all around us. It could be right in front of you. Besides you have two weeks to find it."

Tikki went back to lay on Marinette's shoulder and Marinette face planted into her hands again. But she pulled her head up and heard her phone vibrating inside of her backpack. She took her phone out of her bag to see Alya calling her.

"Aahh! I forgot about the cupcakes! Alex and Kim made a dare to see who could eat the most cupcakes. I have to leave now or Alya will kill me." Marinette said as she picked up her backpack in a panic. But then something fell out. She looked back to see what it was and she couldn't believe it. It was one of her birthday invitations.

"What?" She said in confusion. "No. I handed out all of my invitations. Who could I of forgot . . . Adrien! I forgot to give Adrien an invitation! Tikki, I have to go give him one. Today's Friday and If I don't see him until Monday then he might think I hate him and don't want him at my party."

"But Marinette" Tikki said as Marinette stood up. "You have to get the cupcakes to Alex and Kim. Everyone's counting on you."

"But I need to get the invitation to Adrien now. He's at fencing practice right now, so I just need to slip it into his locker. It won't take long."

"Marinette there's no time." Tikki paused for a moment to think as Marinette hoped for an idea. "You go. I'll put the invitation in his locker."

"Tikki, no. That's too dangerous."

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