chapter 19~melting eyes

Começar do início

I shook my head no.

How could he think it was because of him.

Emilie-"Its out of my hands now."

Marcus-"Emilie please you can't go."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Gunnarsens see my mom and Marie.

This is so hard.

Emilie-"I don't want to but I'm sorry."

I pulled away and looked at Martinus.

How could I not see his face everyday.

Right then and there I saw another figure running towards me.


She came and collapsed in my arms.

The past two days we have caught up and she knew I was leaving.

Her blonde hair was in front of her, stuck because of the tears.

Cece-"Please don't go."

Emilie-"I'm so sorry."

Cece-"I love you Em."

Emilie-"I love you Cece."

We stood there hugging for a while.

Marcus and Martinus just watching us.

We slowly moved into a group huddle.

The worst is leaving Martinus.

Especially since he is the love of my life.

Emilie-"I love you guys."

Martinus-"I love you."

That hurt so much to hear, especially because it was a friend way.

Marcus-"Emilie I will miss you so much."

Emilie-"I will find a way back. I swear."

Cece-"We will be waiting for you."


Martinus-"I will never let you go again."

This boy is confusing me.

Does he have feelings?

Mom-"Emilie we need to go."

I wiped my tears quickly and looked back at all my friends.

I hugged Marcus.

Then Cece.

Last was Martinus.

The hardest goodbye.

I stepped forward and went into his arms.

Martinus-"Emilie I need to tell you something."

can you see me? ///m.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora