chapter 10~realization

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Marcus pov//

I woke up extra happy today. I know why, it's all because of Cece. Last night we had such an amazing time together and I would love to do it again alone this time.

Martinus and Jennie had fun as well.

I got ready for the morning and walked downstairs to get ready to leave. Martinus was there with Jennie and Cece. We were all meeting at our house this morning.

It's weird I feel like I'm forgetting something and there is some weird feeling rushing over me but I can't put a finger on it.

Whatever. We all started to walk to school.

Cece-"Does anyone else feel like we are forgetting something?

Marcus-"Yes actually."


Jennie-"Yea but I don't know what."

We all just kept walking. We passed by Emilies house and she was on the porch with Marie. I could see Marie was crying.

Nobody else was paying attention but I looked at her.

Emilie-"Marie Im sorry I know it hurts but you are a brave girl okay?"

She gave her a hug and she saw looked up and saw me. Her eyes were so red and it looked like she had been crying all night. We kept on walking.

Why didn't we stop? Why didn't anyone say anything?

I looked back and I saw Emilie holding her little sisters hand and Marie had a cast on? What happened?

Marcus-"Guys what happened to Emilie's little sister?"

Cece-"I don't know why is she okay?"

Marcus-"She has a cast on and was just crying to Emilie."

Martinus-"Oh shit."

Jennie-"We never told Emilie to meet us in the morning she must think we forgot about her."

That made me feel really bad. I looked back at Emilie and she looked like she was crying again. She looked up and I quickly looked away.

Cece-"I feel like crap now."

I saw Emilie turn because she had to go the other direction for Marie to go to school. She is actually in the same grade as Emma and they are best friends. Who would have thought we would have all ended up so close...but right now it feels like we are distant.

We got to school and we all went into class. The bell had rung and Emilie wasn't here. We saw her walking this morning...where could she have gone.

Ten minutes passed and she still wasn't here.

Martinus-"Marcus where's Em?"

Marcus-"No idea."

He looked actually worried. The past couple of days he hasn't really mentioned her and now he seems to be concerned. I guess none of us have been concerned.

Class was over now and Emilie never came. I'm rather concerned now and I'm looking at Cece and so is she.

Cece-"Okay where is Em?"

Martinus-"No idea."

We all had to head to our next class. Still No Em. Where is she?

Emilies pov//

I woke up this morning extra sad. I was just over everything. I got zero sleep. I got Marie up and made both of us breakfast.

I would be taking her to school today and it's not gonna be easy because she is in a lot of pain. She was complaining a lot this morning and honestly I felt sorry but Mom told me she had to go.

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