Its teeth became longer and some juice were squirted out. I dodged the juice and turned my head to see a piece of leaf melting once the juice touched it. "Ok, dodge juice. Cake! Help me stop the flower from moving around!" I shouted and Cake streched around the flower to wrap it. She carefully evaded the thorns on the body and wrapped it at the suitable places. It couldn't move anymore but its teeth aimed at Cake's flesh and the same juice squirted out of the teeth.

"Cake! Let go!" I shouted and Cake let go of the plant and the juice landed on the root of it. It squealed and turned into a black, burnt, withered plant and a small skeleton fell out of it. "Ew." Cake said and pulled my hand. "Let's find some other stuff to fight. This monster was boring."

We were walking around until we found a bluish-grey little pond in the middle of the forest. "Woah, what is that?" I asked and walked nearer to it. The water was really calm, when I reached my hand into it, there were little ripples but it immediately disappeared and turned back into the calm water it was. I put down my bag and sat down next to it and peeked into the water. "Honey, don't go so close." Cake said from behind me but I didn't care. Suddenly, I saw a little boy with black hair, he turned around and I was really shocked. He looked like Marshall.

The pond was really weird. Although it seemed calm, but when you looked at it,  your reflection couldn't be seen. I was looking at the little boy, and it seemed like the boy was my reflection. He started to talk. "I'm Nathan." He said. "I'm Fionna." I said. He reached a hand out for me to shake.His hand was blue, like Marshall's. The moment I held his hand, I was dragged into the pond. There were no splashes, it's like being dragged into a jelly, passing through a soft wall and then you're on the other side. The last thing I heard Cake screaming my name before going into the pond.

The inside of the pond was purplish-black. I saw Nathan standing farther away from me. "Mommy? Are you afraid of me, mommy?" Nathan said. "What? You're talking to me?" I asked and he lifted his feet and floated closer. "I said," His voice was demonic but soon changed back into the sweet voice he originally had. "Are you afraid of me? Mommy? " Nathan said.


"Mommy? I'm not your mommy." I said and he walked closer but I took a step back. "You are my mommy. I came from you." He pointed to my belly and I looked at it. When I look up, Nathan's neck was crooked and twisted, he had a devilish smile on his face. "You were actually thinking if I was going to be born a beast or a monster, but I will not be born on this world because you traded my soul for yours. Did you do that because you don't love me? Or you were just afraid your life and reputation was going to be ruined by a monster?" 

Then a yellow and white spotted hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me up. Nathan just vanished into black smoke and in a second I was back in the forest again. "Fionna! What the heck were you doing!" Cake scolded me but I felt so drained. My heart felt like it was so sad and stuff. "Didn't you see it? A boy reached his hand up from the pond for me to shake it but he pulled me into the pond." I explained. "You jumped into the pond by yourself." Cake said.

What just happened.

Maybe Nathan was telling the truth. Maybe he is my son. I can't keep it a secret for any longer.

After Cake sent us back home, I took a shower first and then it's Cake's turn."Ok so when Cake comes out how can I tell her? 'Hey! Me and Marshall went to tier 15 and now we're having a baby! Yay!' No way. 'Hey I'm pregnant with Marshall's baby!' Nope."

After a few minutes Cake came out of the bathroom. "Cake? I have to tell you something."I said and she sat on my bed. "Something important?" She asked and I nodded slightly, pushing my lock of hair out of my face. "No matter what happens, no matter if you like it or not, don't blame anyone for this, ok?" I asked her and she nodded. I know she would lie about this, she has too much hatred for Marshall. But, I finally got up my courage to say it.

"I'm pregnant, Marshall's the father."

Cake stared at me for a few minutes. I could tell she wanted to blurt out all the stuff that are very...judgemental, to Marshall. Then she calmed down by breathing in, and out, in, and out for three minutes or so.

"Honey, did you plan for this?" Cake gave me a worried look and I just stared at her, not giving any answers. "No you did not...Ok, listen. As much as I hate Marshall, I can't hate your baby as well. This is your baby, non of my bis'. But if you need anything, I'm always here." Cake added and gave me a gentle smile.

"Wait, you're ok? Actually Ok about this?" I exclaimed. I never thought she'd be fine with this, never expected that she would give a little speech about staying by my side, no matter what. Cake nodded and I jumped up from the bed and hugged her. "Oh glob, I love you Cake!"

"Baby, does that mean you guys did tier 15." Cake pushed me away and raised an eyebrow. My face was getting warm and I looked at the clock. "Oh, what's the time? 11 o'clock! Glob, I'm going to bed. Night night!" I said and dug into the space between my blanket and my bed. "My little baby is growing up. First tier 15 with her vampire boyfriend and now preggers." She said and let out a small chuckle.

"Good night, mommy Fionna."


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