CHAPTER 2: (Part 2)

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The human considered everything Flowey had to say, and decided to move on through the rest of the UNDERGROUND. There was a doorway leading out into snowdin forest, and so the Human walked through, creating a massive flash of light. The human felt themselves teleport into a different dimension, and in that dimension the word UNDERTALE was just floating in mid-air.  

  The human felt themselves being teleported again, and ended up on the other side of the doorway, except now there was a door there, and it stood there, locked and closed.  

  "Huh. I don't remember a door being there a sec--!" The human was interrupted by a strong wind, that blowed in their face. "AAAAHHH! IT IS LITERALLY FREEZING OUT HERE!!!!!! OHMAHGASH WHY IS IT SO FRICKIN' COLD?!?!? I WOULD HATE HAVING TO PUT UP WITH THIS EVERYDAY!!!!!! OKAY OKay, okay. I'm fine. It's just snow and wind. Nothing you haven't seen in the human world. Just breathe, and calm down." The human took several deep breaths, and found themselves used to the cold pretty fast.  

  "Alright. Just. Keep. Moving." The human moved forward through the cold until they came across a stick. (This is a large stick. It is too heavy for you to pick up.) the human decided to keep moving. But a few steps from there, and the stick was broken in half on the ground.  

  "(Huhh... he's waaaay more disturbing now.)"Thought the human. "(I just need to stay WISE. And my WISDOM is letting me know what will happen in this world. Well, know what will happen for the MOST part, anyway.)"  

The human kept moving forward, feeling more and more cautious with each step they took. They kept walking, until they came across a strange bridge looking thing. "(...As much as I want to judge him for how bad this is, I don't want to deal with his bro. Because if I die, I might not be able to come back, since I have no DETERMINATION... but I do have SAVE points... I'll be fine. I just need to remember to not let people know what I know.)"

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now