"No problem" he smugly smiled

The rest of the way home was quiet , I ended up paying $230 for the cab! Ugh I'm in trouble with the "wise money spending" with Adam .

When we got to the house door we just stood there . "What time is it?" I asked , focusing my gaze on the door. "4:32" He blankly spoke. "I don't want to go back in....." I trailed off my summer might just consist of being at home.

"Me either but w-" Michael was interrupted by the noise of the door knob turning. I quickly hid behind Michael letting out a light shriek. "What are you guys doing out here??" Ashton yawned .

"We were out." Michael mumbled .

"Like that?...Ha." He chuckled rudely.

"Whatever , I'm going to bed . Night Michael thanks again. " I quickly hugged him and tried to push past Ashton.

"You're welcome Diana , G'night" he hummed.

"What the hell!" I pushed his chest, but he didn't move . Instead he laughed at my attempt .

"Diana I wanna talk to you." Ashton smiled .

"That is not the way to get me to talk to you . It's almost 5 am can't this wait?" I spat.

"Well, no. C'mon ." Ashton pulled me back outside and made his way to the backyard.

Michael just let him take me! I'm upset at that . Rude. Rude. Rude. I despise Ashton so much for what he put Calum up to ugh.

There was already a blanket on a hill of the summer green grass. "Aha. So you planned this?" I rolled my eyes. "Eh I guess . I wanted to have time with you since the other boys had time with you and I haven't . Well not since the water fight " he grinned .

"Lay down Diana I'm not going to rape you , I planned this out so lie down and let me carry on with it." He pouted.

"Fine!" I laid down next to Ashton , flat on my back. There they were . This was actually a cool moment when I looked up. The stars were aligned , shining bright . Thousands of them . The moon was high and bright . The grayish blue shining down on Ashton and I .

"So Diana how do you like the view ?" He turned his head over to the side staring straight at me.

"It's amazing ; breath taking." I breathed out . "Glad you like it ."


"So what's the real reason of why you brought me here? What do you want?"

I blurted out . We had be lying there for about 15 minutes in complete silence staring at the stars , well I was.

"Ah, I see you like to get to the point of things ." He pointed out , stalling to answer my question.

"Yeah I kinda do ,now tell me." I begged .

"Diana , to be honest you are a very beautiful girl. Great personality too, I know I don't really know you but from what I see and know right now ; it's great....." Ashton paused taking a breath. " I'd really like to get to know you Diana . Maybe take you out , do stuff like this with you. I want to be like best friends , or more than that if we get close enough and feel that way . So whatcha say?" He smiled , hopefully

But I don't believe any word he's saying . Ashton made Calum do that to me . He doesn't know I know , but really? Does he think- ugh . No I'm going to have fun with this.

"That'd be nice" I smiled back.

"Good!" Ashton grinned turning around and getting something from behind him.

"A present for the lovely Diana -" He stopped

"What's your last name?" He asked realizing he didn't know it , well I kind of don't either.

"It's complicated , just say my middle name Rose" I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear .

"...Diana Rose" he softly spoke. Giving me a small box of Sour Patch Kids.

"Thanks" I said , emotionless.

"You okay? Was it mentioning your last name? Is everything okay ? Diana I'm so sorry!" Ashton sounded guilty.

There's the Ashton I know from being a Fangirl ; considerate and sweet.

"Yeah just bad memories with not really knowing it I guess." I shrugged sitting up letting a tear escape .

It was 14 years ago , I had been 3 , getting shipped off to another foster home. No one wanted me , I was a messed up child that no one wanted to take in or deal with. 'They only want the small kids' .. SIKE.

Anyways , I had been sitting in my new social workers' office . Dangling my feet as I waited to get picked up . "Diana what's your last name ." He rose an eyebrow at me as he sat behind the desk.

"Uhm Wose?" I spoke , mispronouncing the R . "No darling that's your middle name." He informed me . Right now it doesn't seem like it's a big deal but it is just wait .

"Ms.Carter , what is little Miss. Diana Rose's name?" He called in my old social worker . I don't know why they had me switch from her to him.

"She doesn't have one John" she whispered , but I still heard. Again me unaware of how this would effect me .

"Then she can't go anywhere ! No last name? No home! " he pounded his fists on the desk .

"Calm down , it isn't her fault it's her Mothers' fault!" She shouted back at him.

Again doesn't seem like a big deal but let's cut to the chase. I went to his office everyday from 10 am to 7 pm to try and find me a home . This continued for 3 long months . No home practically . I lived in a shelter , got picked up by my social worker every morning . Even weekends . I would starve , sometimes I wouldn't eat at the shelter and he wouldn't feed me anything but a bag of chips through those 9 hours of waiting.

Eventually I got a home and ever since I only ever been Diana Rose . No last name...


"Sorry Diana I really am" he wrapped an arm around me . I explained to him , now I was extremely tired . And I got comfy in Ashton's arms .

"Mmhmm" was all I remembered doing before I drifted into a deep sleep . As dawn was appearing on the horizon .

***** so I messed up the first time because I forgot she went to the store with Michael , and I put Calum so if you see Calum's name somewhere I forgot to fix it I'll go over it soon thanks ***

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