Sorry for Everything

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Hugh looked around his room and smiled when he saw Rosa figure but when he lifted up the covers he saw Rosa silently crying

"What is the matter Rosie aren't you okay?" Hugh said trying to bring a good memory

Rosa started to think about it

Two 7 years old was playing when a kid appeared he smiled at Rosa and said "want to play with me" Hugh got Jealous and said "Stay off my Rosie and the boy intimidated by Hugh's red Eyes ran away crying Hugh smiled "your safe with me Rosie Rosa smiled "thanks Vampy" Hugh rolled his eyes but laughed at what she said

"I am alright now Vampy" Rosa said Hugging Hugh

"Good Rosie" Hugh said Hugging her back
Rosa felt  Heaviness in her chest

"I am so sorry for all that I have said and I did not mean any of the things I said" Rosa said Crying into his Shirt

"Nah you are fine I should of let you go off on me because I remember loads of times I went crazy on you but you giggled it off and said "Are you fine now Hughy" Hugh said

"But I still feel bad" Rosa said

"That is because Rosie you are the most innocent most pure most Sweetest girl well best friend I have" Hugh said

"Let's ask if I can spend the night"

"Yes you may" Caroline and Rick said smiling

"Fine I'ma gonna get clothes" Rosa said as she saw Rick with clothes

"Honey you are like my second Daughter Rosa or should I say Rosie" Rick said smiling

Rick looked a lot like Hugh but the difference was Rick was buffer then Hugh and Rick had Black hair and blue eyes and Hugh had Blue hair and Red eyes

"ROSA IS HERE YAYYYYYY'' said Hugh's sister Hana

"Let us 3 play dolls" Hana said pulling Rosa and Hugh with her

"Okay Hana" Rosa and Hugh said smiling

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