Chapter 12

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"Is your dog on a leash?" Pope asked smugly as Jax, Opie and Tig strolled up to the meet. "Couldn't trust him enough to bring him to his own damn sentencing?"

"No one is gettin' a sentence," Jax said firmly. "We're gonna make this right, we took responsibility and we don't want any more shit raining down on us."

"Oh no," Pope chuckled. "There will be a sentence, the warrant goes out in," he glanced at his gaudy gold watch, "About twenty minutes."

"Warrant?" Opie grumbled.

"Only a few of you were positively identified," Pope explained, "But, given the accident and the high profile chase, SanWa wants to wrap it up nice and pretty for evening news."

"What the fuck is your endgame?" Jax lunged but two of Pope's men stepped up swiftly to block him from doing any actual damage. "Settin' us up? Gettin's us killed in lockup?"

"No," Pope smiled. "No one is going to die. You won't even need protection, I can assure you of that."

"I'm supposed to trust that?" Jax asked angrily.

Tig shook his head, "He's gonna bust our skulls," he mumbled quietly to Jax.

"I give you my word, I will make Happy pay but no one is going to be killed. It's more fun watching you dance for me. Better get goin' boys, turning yourself in is much better than a manhunt."


When they arrived back at the clubhouse Lowen was there with all the information they needed. Happy's head hung low while Jax and Lowen discussed their options and they decided that Jax, Happy and Juice would turn themselves in.

He had no intention of apologizing again but even if he did, Jax wouldn't give him the chance as he refused to even look up Happy. They arrived and were processed before being led to the massive SanWa general population area.

After a few hours and lights out, two guards jostled Jax awake and spoke in hushed whispers. "You and the other one," he gestured to Happy, "Come with us."

Drowsy but understanding, Jax shook Happy awake and they silently wandered the halls to the showers. Everything was dry and dark, a few random drips echoing off the tiles, as they stood with heads held high despite their suspicions and anxiety.

"Fight," one guard said. "I want blood."

"What?" Jax hissed.

"You're pissed," the guard laughed. "You're in this mess because of baldie over there, so get your revenge. Pope wants it."

Happy shrugged, fine with the proposition feeling he deserved it and much more, but he could see Jax was conflicted. He wanted to throw some punches, to ease his rage, but not because Pope, and the guards, were ordering him too. It felt like a betrayal of himself and the club to tear into Happy for Pope's game but, Happy decided to give Jax the push he needed. From behind, Happy shoved Jax and as he turned to face his brother, Happy threw one hard punch and waited, unguarded, as Jax jumped forward and tackled him to the ground.

And yes, as the guards requested, there was blood.


*The Next Morning*

"Mornin' Pop," Katie greeted Lumpy with less enthusiasm as usual.

"Sweetheart," he stood slowly to give her a hug. "Why the pout?"

She shrugged, holding back tears, and sat beside him at the tiny kitchen table. "Boys."

"Did you hear?" He asked, unfolding the paper for her, "You upset over this?"

Her eyes scanned the smeared ink as she read all about the warrant, and the arrests, and she felt her chest growing tighter and tighter. "Oh my god," she inhaled sharply. "I didn't know, Pop."

"I feel for em'," he sighed. "They got families, they're good boys, they don't deserve that bullshit."

She didn't agree or disagree. "I hope they're safe."

"Who knows," he grumbled. "What's bothering you?"

"It's nothing," she waved her hand in her face to help dry her growing tears.

"Katie," he said sternly.

"I was seeing someone and we split up," she shrugged. "It's stupid."

Lumpy pointed to Happy's mugshot in the left column on the article. "I saw the way you two looked at each other when you first moved here."

"Pop," she groaned. "I don't want to talk about it."

"They'll be fine," Lumpy said sweetly "And he'll see what he did. We're not the brightest gender," he laughed.

"Hopefully you're right," she said just to help move the topic along. "What do you need me to do today?"

"I need some groceries," he said. "Could you help me at the store then we can have lunch."

"Sounds like a plan," she stood up again.

As they left the kitchen, she glanced back at the mugshots and let a quick whimper escape her lips. Katie composed herself before joining Lumpy to start their day.


*Later That Day*

"You have a call," the guard said as he barged into the infirmary where Jax and Happy were recuperating. "It's Pope."

Both Sons were bloodied and hurting, cuffed to the beds, after their battle in the showers. They didn't know the fight served more than one purpose but the pieces of Pope's plan were going to start to fit together clearly.

"What?" Jax grumbled.

"You sound sore," Pope commented. "Shame."

"I'm not playing games, what do you want?"

"You're being released soon," Pope informed him. "You and Juice, will be home by Thursday. Happy will need to stay a few more days."

"What, why?" Jax glanced over at Happy who was somber and still, and seemingly perfectly fine.

Pope chuckled, "I need you here with me for a deal and I need Happy in there, to suffer. Juice is inconsequential, and innocent, really, but I do need him to finish the job he was doing."

"When's Hap gettin' out?"

Pope looked down at his calendar and skimmed his schedule for the week. "Monday it looks like, I need him there over the weekend."

"And protection?" Jax asked ominously. "I don't wanna leave my guy alone in here."

"You're going to have to," Pope said. "No matter what you try to pull, they know you're going to be released and Happy will stay, since he instigated the fight," Pope chuckled. "Whatever you do, attack a guard, start a fight, it'll be put on Happy. You don't want to do that to your brother, do you?"

Jax closed his eyes in disbelief, Pope knew them better than they realized and was devious enough to concoct the entire plan.


"Good man, Jackson," Pope said with a smile on his face. "I'll see you soon."


Just a quick, shortie chapter while I get caught up! xoxo

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