Chapter 14

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Days had gone by; Katie stayed at home wallowing and once Happy had been released he wouldn't show his face, he was a ghost, and Jax was brooding and guilt ridden. The secret had remained between Jax and Juice, certainly Happy hadn't shared the news, but no one believed that something traumatic hadn't happen.

Wednesday afternoon Katie sat in the sunroom, hoping the warmth of the sunlight would zap some energy into her, when she heard a knock at the door. She slowly paced across the floor, into the living room and out to the front door. When she opened the door Jax stood before her, his head was low, and when he glanced up he could see her bloodshot eyes but he wasn't sure if she was stoned or simply had been crying.

"What are you doing here?" She asked completely stone faced and avoiding eye contact.

"After what happened," he sighed, "I want to make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine." She wasn't but Katie would never admit it. "Have you seen him?"

"Nah, he's gone," Jax said shamefully. "I'm thinkin' I'll get transfer papers soon."

"Yeah," she nodded, "Can't blame him."

It wasn't meant as an insult but it burned Jax nonetheless. "Anyway, I just wanted to check in on you."

Katie smiled sadly and nodded. "I appreciate that, Jax, but I'm okay. Are you?"

"I feel like a piece of shit rapist, Kate," he admitted darkly.

"That's Pope," he said with hate in her voice, "Not you."

Jax, eternally grateful for those words, nodded and pulled his keys from his pocket. "What I said before, I was pissed, and I'm sorry. You're always welcome around the club and if you ever need anything, really, give me a call."

Smiling, she nodded. "Thank you," her voice cracked. "Just, if you're gonna come by, let me know. This isn't really...easy. After what happened," she couldn't find the words and just shrugged. "It's not easy seeing you. I know we were cool or whatever but, it's different now."

"Yeah, I get that," he stepped back. "Take care of yourself, Kate."

She nodded and waved watching as he got back on his bike and sped away. The sound of his bike made her miss Happy even more. Walking back in, she hung her head and cried over her massive regret. She wished she had never come to Charming and met the club, it caused her too much pain. For the first time since leaving Pope's office, she turned her cell phone on. There were four days worth of texts and calls from friends but nothing from Happy. She didn't expect to see his name there but she hoped he would have reached out to her.


*Over 700 Miles Away in Tacoma*

"You smell like shit," Tig joked. "I'm the one who just pulled a twelve hour ride and I smell better than you."

"Yeah," he grumbled and let out a short, sad chuckle. "Thanks for coming."

"Sure," he leaned against the wall on the Tacom clubhouse apartment. "Whats up?"

"Everything done with that piece of shit?"

Tig nodded, "Yeah."

"But he's breathing," Happy growled.

"Yeah," Tig said with a confused expression. "Why would be kill him, you shot up his office, Hap."

Happy looked away from Tig when he realized word hadn't gotten out. "Still want him to eat a goddamn bullet."

"Him givin' it to Katie stings, I get it, bro, but he had to pay. You know he realizes that too, it's why he did this shit."

"She been around?"

"Nah," Tig shook his head. "Jax ripped into her before you guys got picked up, I doubt she'll be back."

The phrasing made his memories of Jax and Katie creep up in his head. "Yeah, probably not. Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything, brother," Tig said earnestly.

"Can you talk to her? Make sure she's good?"

Tig's brows furrowed, "She's heard worse, I'm sure she's fine, Hap."

"Nah, I know," he shook his head.

"I'll do it," he said quickly, "I just mean I don't think she'd like Jax really get to her like that."

Happy agreed with him, about Jax's words at least, but he knew every inch of Katie inside and out. He could see how shattered she was, even through his rage, that she was forced to have sex with Jax, he could see she was angry and violated and she did it for him. As angry as he was, as much as he wanted to blame her and her chosen profession for all it, he needed to know she was okay.

"I know, I just want to be sure," Happy said sadly. "Only chick I ever loved."

Taken aback by that, Tig nodded and gave his brother another hug. "That all you need?"

"Can you give him my transfer papers?"

"I'll take em' but Hap, you gonna transfer cause of Katie? Shit happens, man, SAMCRO is bigger than your girl."

"This is bigger than Katie," Happy grumbled.

"What the fuck is goin' on with you?" Tig asked angrily, not believing Happy's behavior was caused by anything but Katie.

"I'll get em' to Jax myself," Happy said dismissively. "Thanks for coming."

"I drove 12 hours for a heart to heart?" Tig was annoyed now. "Christ, Hap, this is ridiculous. I get you love her but she's a chick, just a girl. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You wanna know so bad, you ask your Prez," he hissed.

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