Chapter 44

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Because you guys are awesome here is another chapter...

"I'll text you," Katie said as she hopped off Happy's bike outside of Diosa.

She was dressed down for work, wearing a pair of black leggings, boots and one of Happy's SAMCRO shirts tied to fit her waist, but she was only going in to see Nero. They were going to discuss the potential new hires as well as her business plans although he didn't know about that yet.

"How long you gonna be?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Maybe an hour?"

"I can wait," he nodded toward the building. "Get a beer or some shit."

"Sure," she smiled. "I'm gonna head in."

Turning, she moved quickly up the steps. Happy inched his sunglasses down to watch her hips sway and the way her leggings fit each curve.

Katie didn't even realize he had been watching her as she hurried up the steps and into Diosa. She smiled at the girls as she hurried straight through to Nero's office. She knocked and he called for her to open the door from his spot behind the desk.

"I take it things went well with the lawyer?" He asked, noticing her bright smile as she enters the room.

"Yep," she pushed her sunglasses up into her hair. "But I'm still working on some things."

His eyebrows rose high on his forehead. "You look like a woman with a plan."

"Oh I am," she smirked. "I actually was hoping you could help me with it. I need a second investor and someone to bounce ideas off of."

Nero laughed and leaned back in his chair. "Alec the first investor?"

"He is," she chuckled.

"And he cant listen?"

"Uhh, these deals aren't really concerning anything remotely near his wheelhouse."

Nero have her a puzzled look. "Competition?"

"Not at all," she assured him. "We'd be working in tandem...kind of."

"This I gotta hear," he got up and poured himself some coffee.

She rolled her eyes and visited herself up to sit on the back of the couch facing his desk. "Let's be real, Scoops and Sweets will probably be fine, not a gold mind, but we'll make some money. The gym on the other hand is a joke. It didn't terribly before and I highly doubt it'll really do much better no matter what we try. So, I have some ideas to make this not only worth my time but really really profitable."

"Why do I have a bad feeling?" He asked her seriously.

"No bad feeling," she said dismissively. "I'm thinking of providing certain services in the basement and second floor of the gym."

With a heavy sigh Nero looked at her with a hint of concern. "What kind of services?"

She shrugged a little and avoided his eyes. "You know, we've had that uptick in BDSM calls and a few walks and regulars asking. It seems to be an itch these guys can't get scratched."

"What do you know about BDSM?" He asked her, his voice suddenly more serious. "That's not something you dabble or play in. You have to know what you're doing. It can be dangerous."

"I know," she said defensively. "I'm not an idiot, Nero. I've been in some type of sex work my entire adult life," Katie assured him. "I know a high end Dom back in D.C. She said she can help me with some of the stuff I don't already know, I'm not going in blind. Trust me."

Money Can't Buy Happiness जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें