Chapter 4

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When Happy woke up, Katie was beside him curled up and dead asleep. Her lips were parted slightly and some time in the night she'd gotten up to turn the air conditioner on higher and change into a pair of baggy sweatpants and an old sweater. He chuckled, noticing the hole in the shoulder, before climbing out of bed and, peeking around, headed toward the bathroom. After washing his hands he opened the vanity, his eyes rolling over her private and personal items. Nothing was scandalous and so far she'd been low maintenance. Happy was almost pleasantly surprised by how little drama she seemed to bring with her.

"Snooping?" She asked as she strolled passed the open bathroom door.

"Yeah," he shrugged, unfazed by getting caught.

She rolled her eyes and waved for him to follow. "I gotta run, I need to get to my Pop's. Sorry, I'm not trying to kick you out but he'll literally have a stroke if he shows up to the gym."

"No, yeah," he stayed in the bathroom, "I get it."

"Okay," she pointed behind him, "I gotta pee."

"Oh shit," he hurried out, "Sorry."

Katie shut the door and Happy went to redress and gather his things. He poked around her room, interested in her effortless sense of mystery, but nothing truly gave him much insight. Happy shrugged it off, not really caring too much, and followed her voice as she called for him to come into the kitchen with her.

"I had fun," she said timidly as she chugged a small glass of juice. "This is kind of new and weird for me, I'm probably awkward as hell."

"Nah," he snatched a banana from the counter. "You're good."

"Thanks again for staying," she said quietly. "I was a mess, really freaked out. I didn't want to ask but I didn't want to be alone either."

"That's why Jax sent me, I had fun anyway."

She nodded and shrugged, unsure how to move it along. "Okay, well, I need to leave now and, no offense, but I'm not leaving ya here."

Happy laughed, raspy and deep, and followed Katie out the door and to the parking lot. "I'll see ya around," he said dutifully. They looked at each other for a second, playful smiles plastered on their faces, before heading their separate ways.

Katie tore out of the parking lot, already late, and Happy finally glanced at his cell phone. He had missed calls and a few text messages from various club members.

"Fuck," he hissed. How had he let himself get so distracted from club business? "This ain't good."


When Happy arrived at the clubhouse Tig was there, casually sitting at the bar, with a beer in hand despite the early hour.

"What's going on?" He asked eagerly

Tig turned, eyebrow cocked, and huffed. "Salazar is dead."

"Shit," Happy was furious with himself. "I'm glad you got him."

"He got himself," Tig hissed. "Pussy killed himself when we got to him. Knew he had no way out."

"Jax pissed?" Happy asked knowing that even if he was he wasn't nearly as mad as Happy was at himself.

"Yeah," Tig nodded. "You're not supposed to be the one gettin' pussy drunk."

"It ain't that serious," he said forcefully. "I ain't into her like that. Got my dick wet and I didn't hear my phone. That's it."

Tig chuckled, "I think he's more pissed Salazar took the easy way out." Growing serious, Tig turned toward Happy, "Don't get hung up. It's just a chick."

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