18: Old memories...

Start from the beginning

"Olive I-"

"Save it Bellamy, we have other things to worry about," Olivia said with a cold face as she studied the guns that were on the floor.

She didn't like his change in temper when it was appointed to herself, in one moment he could be one of the most wonderful men she's ever met and in the next he's a yelling buffoon.

And that was something she wasn't really fond of... yelling.


"This changes everything," Bellamy says as he places a cloth down on the floor away from where Olivia is.

"No more running from spears. Ready to be an even greater badass than you already are Olive?" Bellamy asked her as he popped a nut in his mouth.

"I'm not going to discuss whether we should bring guns back to camp. I know we need them but don't expect me to enjoy them there... Especially in the hands of kids," Olivia says as she shuddered remembering what Craig would make her do at gunpoint.

"You're lucky the rifles were packed in grease," Olivia says as she wiped her hand on her pants once more.

"The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore... You need to learn how to do this," Bellamy says looking at the guns then back to her causing her eyes to widen at this new information.

Feeling a tight pressure forming in her chest all she could muster was a frantic shake of her head.

"I'll accept them in the camp but please don't make me use it," she whispered as she lightly trembled with her eyes sealed shut.

It all happened so quickly, as soon as the first tear fell she felt herself be embraced by Bellamy.

"You're okay... It's gonna be alright. He isn't going to hurt you, I won't let him," Bellamy whispered in her ear as she figured out why she was crying.

"I-if he finds out about me... I don't even know what he'd do!" She frantically said as she began crying into her hands.

"You'll be okay Oli-"

"What if he hurts Clarke, or Octavia... Or you," she whispered as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"That's not gonna happen... We can take care of ourselves, and as for you- You're a strong independent woman that doesn't need a man like that... No one should ever treat you that way," Bellamy says wiping the tears that fell from her cheeks.

"The only person you need in your life is one that is willing to treat you like the queen or princess you really are... Not property," he says as he kissed her forehead lightly.

"D-do you really mean that or...?" She asked with uncertainty in her eyes, she had been lied to before- she wasn't about to willingly trust another man without precaution.

"I mean every single word," he reassured as he smiled lightly at her as she slowly stopped crying.

"He never let me touch a gun after what happened," Olivia whispered into his shoulder as she shuddered at the memory that once was.

"... What happened?" Bellamy asked lightly as he rubbed circles in her back.


"You know sometimes I wish you'd actually speak to me with that little English accent you got," Craig tauntingly said as he got out of his guard uniform leaving everything on her bed.

He had just come from his shift and wanted to be with his "property" as he liked to put it, also known as Olivia Fairhaven.

Turning around to slowly take off his shirt Olivia went quietly towards his things, inspecting them all till she saw the one thing that made the wheels in her head turn after a bit.

His gun.

Not many guards had a gun, only the most trusted ones and most reliable.

One wrong shot and a hole could blow through the ship, not good for anyone.

Picking up the gun she held it out in front of her clicking the safety off.

This caused Craig to stiffen as he slowly turned around only to see the silent woman staring at him with a blank expression as she held the gun out in front of her, her finger over the trigger.

"You don't want to do that sweets, leave the gun on the table and we'll have some fun," he said calmly knowing she wouldn't actually kill him.

She didn't have the guts to do so nor the mindset.

Her face slacked as she lost some of her tenseness, Craig smirked before it was wiped away quickly when she pointed the gun to her own head.

"Olivia... Stop and put the gun down," he said calmly walking towards her slowly.

"Sweets... Put it down now!" Craig yelled harshly as he stared at her with worried eyes, scared he'd lose the one thing he had in his possession.

That was the one thing Craig wasn't sure of.

Slowly lowering the gun she let it drop causing Craig to quickly kick it away and punch Olivia in the face and stomach repeatedly.

"Never do that again!" He kept yelling as he continued his assault.

From that day forward he never brought a gun with him to her cell, and each time he saw her have a faraway look he'd threaten her with the same line as always,

"You try to kill yourself I'll just be with you in the next life only this time it'll be worse for you sweets, never touch a gun ever again- you've been warned,"


"Ever since that happened he never let me touch a gun or even see the one he always carried with him," Olivia whispered softly as she finished telling Bellamy what had happened.

"I swear to it Olivia... You won't ever have to suffer under his rule any long, you are your own queen," Bellamy said as he intook this set of information from the once silent woman.


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