Chapter 8

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Kyra's POV

"Oh my moon goddess! You look beautiful darling" my mum said placing a hand on her mouth in shock.

I turned away from the mirror and turned to my mother with a smile on my face "thanks mum"

"You look just like your grandmother in that dress" mum said walking closer to me "oh she would be so proud of you right now. Being eighteen and ready to start your life"

I looked back at the mirror. "She would be" I mumbled

"What's wrong honey?" Mum asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed. You can never get anything past her, she can read anyone like a open book. Must be a Luna perk "I'm just worried about about my mate, I mean what if he's an alpha of a stronger pack. I would have to give up my role as future alpha of the ruby moon pack and become a Luna. I don't want to be a luna mum"

She smiled sadly "if you were to become a Luna instead of an alpha it wouldn't matter honey. You would still have the same respect as an alpha, maybe a bit more. Plus if your worried about not seeing us again that won't happen"

I turned to her with a questioning look "what do you mean?" I asked

She sighed "if the heir of one pack is mated with a heir of a more powerful pack and there's no one to replace them then the packs combine. I thought you learnt that in school?"

I gave her a sheepish smile "I kinda threw my pencil case at the teachers head and got sent out the classroom"

She folded her arms, eyes hardening a bit "why didn't I hear about this?" She asked sternly. Well as sternly as she could, considering dads the scary parent.

"Because uncle Marcus Is a legend" I replied.

"I really need to talk to that good for nothing brother of mine" she muttered to herself. I chuckled a little.

"Kiddo the girls are here!" Dad called from downstairs.

"Send them up please!" I called back. Not even seconds later the girls were in my room. Ameera was wearing a purple strapless dress that reached to the bottom of her feet and the fabric pooled on the floor at the back. It was covered in sequins and gems. Whilst Leya wore a dress that was black at the top and showed a handful of cleavage, then at the skirt part it was blue with a frill at the top.

"Oh my holy mackerel! You look sexy as fuck!" Leya said looking me up and down, whilst Ameera nodded in agreement.

"I could say the same about you two!" I said back.

"Alright girls you all look sexy now let me take a picture of you" my mum said pulling her phone out of her pocket.
We all huddled together and smiled as mum took the picture. She smiled and locked her phone again.

"I'm sorry for offending you earlier Luna" ameera said bowing her head to my mum.

My mums face turned into one of fury "how many times do I have to tell you to stop apologising to me. I already forgiven you. And stop with this respect thing Ameera, it never suited you. Plus my name isn't Luna it's Katherine"

"Right sorry Katherine" Ameera said looking up at my mum again.

My mum sighed and covered her face with one of her hands "I swear it just goes in one ear and comes out the other with you" she groaned.

I chuckled "mum what time is it?" I asked

She smiled and looked down at her watch but her face soon became panicked "jimmy cricket! Five minutes till midnight we need to start the entrance come on girls!" My mum said running out of the room.

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