Chapter 13

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Jaimins POV

"Me miss!" Dakota called. Her hand raised in the air as high as it could go. A load of people around the classroom groaned. Miss nodded at her "well when a female first goes into heat it's because they have found their mate. They give off this appetising scent that drives their mate and unmated males and sometimes other females crazy. Then their skin starts to burn. The only way for the pain to end is the touch of their mate. When that happens they will feel a sudden lust for their mate"

A boy in the back row snorted "she knows so much for someone who will never experience it"

Everyone in the class started laughing. Almost everyone. There was me and the boys across the table keeping stone still like a zombie, Dakota trying to hold in her tears, miss trying to get the class to settle down and kyra angrily snapping her pencils in half, growling quietly.

Kyra looked about ready to jump out of her seat and attack the boy. Miss looked over at her and gave her a stern look. Kyra growled at her, eyes switching colours, meaning her wolf wanted out. Miss then turned to look at me nudging her head at Kyra. I gave her a confused look before it clicked in my mind. I didn't waste another second wrapping my arms around Kyra. Instantly calming her down. She turned into my chest, her head in my neck, smelling my scent. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"This is the mate bond for you And as I told you yesterday the alphas only weakness" miss whispered to the class, like it was a nature documentary. I looked up at Miss and gave her a curt nod to continue the lesson. She cleared her throat. "Right class as Dakota was saying the heat happens when the female finds their mate. It normally happens a week after meeting and lasts for five to ten days-"

"Ich wurde gerahmt!" Miss bevan shouted walking into the room and launching a ball at the mouthy boy from earlier. The ball slammed into his head, making him fall off his chair and make everybody laugh. As soon as Miss was in here she was out, slamming the door behind her. Sometimes you gotta love that crazy German PE teacher.

"Why am I friends with her?" miss muttered before continuing. "When a woman goes into heat they are preparing eggs for there mate to fertilise. Certain ranks give certain amounts of eggs. Like how an alpha, beta, delta and omega will most likely produce only one egg. But in some cases they produce more like a normal human being. The ranks in between normally produce up to three to eight eggs like an average wolf."

Kyra unfolded herself from me and looked back to miss "how long do pregnancys last miss?" She asked

"Well Kyra, they normally last half the time as a human pregnancy. But with higher ranks they last the whole nine months so the baby can grow the extra strength they need to take over the role their parents possess" Miss said. Kyra gave a small nod before huddling into my side. I started stroking her hair.


"That class was just getting gross" Brendan shivered whilst we walked out the door.

"Yeah who would of thought that Miss alderson was Christian grey in disguise" Kyra agreed swinging our hands back and forth.

I chuckled quietly. I felt a small tug on my arm to see Acel giving me an alarmed look. I looked ahead of me to see Ameera and Leya marching our way. Leya looked beyond furious.

Kyra smiled at them "Hey girls what's u-"

"First you invited them to lunch with us, then you proceed to hold hands and hug that thing!" Leya shouted getting in Kyra's faces. Everyone in the hallway froze in their place and watch the scene intently.

"That thing is my mate and I suggest you get out of my face before i let my wolf out to teach you respect" Kyra growled out, her eyes switching between yellow. Meaning her wolf wanted out. I gently started to rub her hand.

Leya laughed "yeah good luck with that! You might be the future alpha but your nothing but a scrawny little runt!"

"May I ask why your so against our mates?" Kyra asked tilting her head to the side.

"Isn't it obvious" a familiar male voice said. We looked up to see drefan wrap an arm around Ameera, a smug smile making its ways onto his face. "It's because they're worthless omegas"

Brendan growled lowly. "Get your arm off her!" He snapped

Drefan laughed at his threat "why don't you make me" that was all it took for Brendan to shift into his wolf. Surprisingly even though we are omegas we have descent sized wolves. Not too small and not too big. Even though I'm slightly bigger then the boys. Drefan followed. He was much bigger than his brother. But it's harder with a smaller target. They then started to fight. Brendan was on top of his brother clinging on for dear life.

"Look how pathetic they are" Leya laughed in Kyra's face. That's all it took for Kyra to sock her in the face. Leya screeched while clutching her nose. She then looked back up at Kyra "you little bitch!" She yelled before jumping at Kyra.

Kyra was quick to respond, she grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back into the ground. Leya struggled under her, Acels hands tightened around my arm. Then all the sudden a almighty roar erupted from Kyra. Everyone stopped fighting. Kyra let go of Leya and stood up.

That's when I said the thing I most regret in life "who's it going to be Kyra? Me or them?"

That's when I said the thing I most regret in life "who's it going to be Kyra? Me or them?"

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